@jaihaulk Profile picture

Jai Haulk


Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Student Pastor @ The Crossing Batavia OH, Created 2 Serve & Love. Author of Stronger: the daily battle for growth

Joined July 2014
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Help me start a church! I could use your help reaching my fundraising goal. Every single share and donation makes a difference. gofund.me/d545157c

Jai Haulk Reposted

Instead of filling spaces so people can experience an event, we need to focus on helping them get from where they are now to where God wants them to be.

Jai Haulk Reposted

Somebody, somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do. You saying “Yes” to your calling this week could change someone’s destiny!

DrewMaddux's tweet image. Somebody, somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.

You saying “Yes” to your calling this week could change someone’s destiny!

Jai Haulk Reposted

You know that thing you’re good at? The one that comes naturally to you? The one that almost feels easy? The rest of us can’t do that. We’re amazed at what you can do. Just because it comes easily to you doesn’t mean it lacks value. Charge us more. Your gift is worth it.

Jai Haulk Reposted

Most evangelical pastors aren’t “celebrity preachers” living the high life, abusing power & fleecing flocks. Most are quietly & diligently shepherding the sheep, preaching the Word & helping the hurting. Don’t let the narcissistic exceptions dictate your view of all pastors.

Jai Haulk Reposted

Managers manage what has already been built. Leaders create new things.

Jai Haulk Reposted

Imagine a church existing in a new universe called virtual reality. The lead pastor of Virtual Reality Church and one of the speakers of the Social Media Conference, D.J. Soto shares his belief that faith can be renewed through a new technology platform.

SocMediaChurch's tweet image. Imagine a church existing in a new universe called virtual reality. The lead pastor of Virtual Reality Church and one of the speakers of the Social Media Conference, D.J. Soto shares his belief that faith can be renewed through a new technology platform.

Jai Haulk Reposted

“Imagine if Tom Brady were being held by Russian officials right now.” nymag.com/intelligencer/…

We’ve all experienced enough let downs and broken promises to have trust issues. I pray we can begin to move forward in our relationship with God, seeing Him as… • the loving and gracious father. • the ultimate source of truth. • and the one who is always trustworthy!

jaihaulk's tweet image. We’ve all experienced enough let downs and broken promises to have trust issues. I pray we can begin to move forward in our relationship with God, seeing Him as…
• the loving and gracious father.
• the ultimate source of truth.
• and the one who is always trustworthy!

Jai Haulk Reposted

Yes, church leaders, people need to keep meeting together. No, it does not have to be in a building owned by the church. bit.ly/3sFYV5d

Jai Haulk Reposted

The church should change and pivot when their approach and tactics are limiting new people meeting Jesus—because that's why Jesus put the church here.

Jai Haulk Reposted

What if the main purpose of church online is not to bring people to you but for you to bring the Gospel to people where they're at?

Jai Haulk Reposted

If all the new ideas come from your executive team, you are not getting all the best ideas. danreiland.com/7-primary-resp…

Jai Haulk Reposted

The best part of flying with toddlers is a dumb way to start a sentence.

Jai Haulk Reposted

This will give you a taste of the conversations I'm having with pastors and church leaders in this season. It's helpful to remind ourselves what will not change. That makes it easier to talk about what probably needs to change. Have you had this conversation with your team?

tonymorganlive's tweet image. This will give you a taste of the conversations I'm having with pastors and church leaders in this season. It's helpful to remind ourselves what will not change. That makes it easier to talk about what probably needs to change. Have you had this conversation with your team?

Jai Haulk Reposted

Looking to have the best holiday conversations with the young people you care about most? Don’t lecture. Don’t bombard with questions. Don’t say, “When I was your age…” Instead use these 3 great words: “Tell me more…” #growingwith #stickyfaith #3BigQuestions #growingyoung

KPowellFYI's tweet image. Looking to have the best holiday conversations with the young people you care about most?

Don’t lecture.

Don’t bombard with questions.

Don’t say, “When I was your age…”

Instead use these 3 great words: “Tell me more…”

#growingwith #stickyfaith #3BigQuestions #growingyoung

Jai Haulk Reposted

"You address division by drawing people back to what's essential and what's central. And what's central is: All men will know that you're my disciple by the way you treat one another, not the way you believe about me." @AndyStanley #unstuckchurch

Jai Haulk Reposted

"It takes a trial to have a testimony." @craiggroeschel

lifechurch's tweet image. "It takes a trial to have a testimony." @craiggroeschel

Jai Haulk Reposted

Personal goal: If I spend more time on social media than I spend reading the scriptures… I’ll be discipled by the opinions of people instead of the Holy Spirit. DO NOT DO THIS. I can choose. So can you.

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