@iyelli Profile picture

Danielle H


Cook, gardener, wife to @tlyates, Healthcare Worker, Pro-Vaccine, Pro-Teacher, YYC Craft Beer Lover. she/her

Joined July 2009
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Does anyone else feel way to accomplished when they chop up a container of veggies for snacking on? Like peak "I have my shit together?" (I totally don't. )

Helped a coworker take down the office Christmas tree today. While kneeling down and squeezing in the branches she somehow knocked the whole thing down on top of me. Bonus, tree was soft, downside I was suddenly laying on the floor of a hospital and now I have to shower.

Ty and I neeted a cool $42 on Christmas stocking lottery tickets. We'll remember you all as we embark on our new life of richness. #falalalala #xmas22

It drives me bonkers when people talk about the windchill/feels like temp as though it is the actual temperature. -25 is bad enough.

Just here to say that Santa is just another example of a man getting all the credit for a mom's labour at Christmas time. #HoHoHo

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