Volker Mosert
@ernster_scheissI enjoy running, cycling, basketball, eating, programming, lists, sleeping, drumming and quantum physics.
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If I'm not supposed to eat chips, WHY IS THERE AN ENTIRE CHIP AISLE.
I would absolutely kill every tick if I could.
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The world cares less about your successes (and failures) than you think... by a magnitude or two. This isn't sad, it's liberating. Try more stuff.
Was watching the 1938 Robin Hood and when a particular bit of sword fight happened, I realized I'd seen it a thousand times before in Prince of Persia! Rad!
If you think this is a Biden v. Trump thing, you're really missing the scale of this two-decade tragedy.
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Dear @MicrosoftHelps , where is the documentation for the FileHistory config files? I want to exclude many folders and not select each and every one in the GUI.
Deutschland in einem Bild. Wenn Kids am hellen Sommerabend noch kicken wollen, dann geht das nicht, weil „laut“. Gleichzeitig an jeder Ecke Dröhnmotoren, die als Naturzustand gelten.
Nach dem Urlaub mal in der Fahrradstr vorbeischauen: "Das muss neu sein" (>10 Jahre), "Kein Gesetz der Welt verbietet es mir, mit dem Auto durch eine Fahrradstr zu fahren", "Ich suche seit einer halben Stunde einen Parkplatz", "In Pankow haben wir das auch. Da fahren alle durch".
We should permanently normalize wearing a mask when you have a cold or the flu, in order not to infect other people. Japanese people do it. Why not us?
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