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JinSic Jang


「보수라는 탈을 쓴 친일파의 역사」 바로알기: https://t.co/guwqlnX9PB.…

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Behold a war criminal being called a war criminal to his face.

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BREAKING: Vladimir Putin just announced to use NUCLEAR weapons if a mass missile or UAV is launched toward Russia, or when these weapons cross into Russian territory. World War 3 is here! Biden caused World War III. STOP WWIII!

From Richard

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REMINDER: 🇷🇺 Vladimir Putin "We will use NUCLEAR weapons if a mass enemy missile or UAV is launched towards Russia, or when these weapons cross into Russian territory"

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보수 정치인의 민낯. 어떻게 서울대를 나오고 사법고시 보고 판사 되고 변호사 국회의원 5선 까지… 2찍 니들이 입닥치고 만들어 낸 인물이다. .


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