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现在开展自己的软件生意真的极其地便宜。 你唯一需要的就是 20 美元左右域名费用👇: 🎨 设计:Figma $0 💾 数据库:Supabase $0 🚀 部署:Vercel $0 🔐 用户:Auth0 $0 📧 邮件:Resend $0 💻 编码:V0 + Cursor $0 📊 统计:Mixpanel $0 🔗 短链:Dub $0 📬 公司邮箱:Lark $0 🤖 顾问:ChatGPT $0
How do you build fast? 🤔 This is a question I got a lot in my DMs, if I was going to start again Tech Stack: App: @nextjs Hosting: @vercel Auth: @clerk / @nextauthjs ORM: @prisma / @DrizzleORM DB: @supabase / @neondatabase UI: @shadcn Mail: @resend Payments: @stripe /…
伪造成本越来越低。。来自微软的研究项目 VASA-1… 只需一张肖像照和一段语音,就能生成高清的演讲视频,嘴形和声音同步!在配备了 NVIDIA RTX 4090 的台式机上,就能离线以 45fps 的速度生成 512x512 的视频帧;还能以 40fps 的速度,和 170ms 的延迟流式生成。。
ideogram 上线了新功能 Describe:上传一张图片,生成这张图片的描述词,然后再用描述词重新生成一组图片。非常适合绕过有版权的图片。
#AI开源项目推荐:wav2lip 可以音频输入生成口型同步视频。 项目首页 代码仓库… 论文 视频来源:…
Realistic lighting with CSS. ✨ Many of you asked me how I created the Puffy Sticker effect and the Shiny App Icon for the new checkout page at @WhopIO's a Whop Wednesday so I decided to open source it! 🎁 Code:…
The new release of the Companion for SwiftUI app is here! More than 800 new entries (+2800 total), covering all the new stuff introduced with WWDC’23 and new filtering options to specify frameworks or deprecated versions to show/hide #iOSDev #SwiftUI
Recently I presented at DC iOS group on "SwiftUI Architecture and Best Practices". This is a must watch if you are building SwiftUI apps. I shared my experience of building SwiftUI apps since 2019. Probably one my best presentations!…
ProPainter:一键移除视频内的移动物体,一键移除视频水印。基于E2FGVI实现。之前的视频版SAM:Track-Anything也实现了类似的效果。 ProPainter: 项目………
发现个好玩东西,一个用苹果 emoji 训练的 SDXL 模型,可以把想要的内容变成 emoji 风格。 试着生成了一下川普、拜登、奥巴马三人组,还挺像的就是成功率有点低。 这个模型不能下载,有想法的可以自己训练一下,感觉有些商机。 这里试用
VALL-E X 是一个多语言文本转语音(TTS)模型,最初由微软发布,它可以识别一小段上传音频的特征,然后生成新的语音,可以达到以假乱真的程度。可惜微软没有把 VALL-E X 开源,但是今天这个 repo 复现并开源了 VALL-E X,同时也支持了中文,大家可以戳 demo 感受一下:
Watch as we whisker you away with our new cat animation, created purrfectly with @figma to Lottie! Now it’s your turn, show us your a-meow-zing creation! 🖤🐱
visionOS: Preset Particles in Reality Composer Pro🌛 - The sheet shows the parameters and texture images of the preset particles in RCP beta. Keynote and PDF file on GitHub:…
这贴才需认真看,照着做的 有 ChatGPT, 后,技术难度拉平到我这样只会 SQL的人,也能做个有用的小工具 但,离钱更进一步,需要更多技术之外的东西,比如流量,商业分析。这神贴帮你开启思路 Mark 下 - 开发产品前如何搞定需求和市场
How to make sure your content ranks 📈... Step 1 - Find a keyword One of the most important steps in the entire ranking process is honing in on a viable keyword. Here's the reality - you could be the greatest writer in the world, but if you don't target any keyword, or you…
It works vice versa too: You can now turn your interior sketches into photorealistic designs with 2.0 like this:
✏️ 2.0 can also do basic interior design sketches so you don't need to do them yourself anymore They look quite real so probably can save hours sketching up interiors while your clients will never know 😈 Also with people in them
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