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Mikko Koivukangas


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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Itsenäisyyttään puolustava Ukraina on joutunut taistelemaan ”sodan nyrkkeilykehässä” toinen käsi selän taakse sidottuna. Nyt vapautuu toinenkin käsi. Oli jo aikakin. nytimes.com/2024/11/17/us/…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Pakolaisia on maailmalla 100 miljoonaa, kaikki eivät mahdu Suomeen, joka tapauksessa valikointia suoritetaan. On viisasta valita pakolaisia, joilla on parhaat edellytykset sopeutua suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan.

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

The greatest threat to humanity are low fertility rates.

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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Non-White conservatives in the U.S. are increasingly likely to vote for America's conservative party rather than for its liberal party.

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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Repeat after me: there is nothing exceptional about Japan's birthrate, and it has nothing to do with the economy. It just got there earlier than other countries.

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Does anyone realize that the reason for Japan's declining birthrates is because of a mix of economic, societal and cultural problems? Having a foreign spouse isn't gonna fix all of that like magic The Japanese spouse would still have to work from 8 to 7 with occasional overtime…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Macron ( @EmmanuelMacron ) has posed a good question recently: why do 500M rich Europeans seem to have events and outcomes imposed on them by Trump, Putin and Xi?

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

In today’s #vatniksoup, I’ll introduce an American far-right social media personality, Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes). He’s best-known for his white supremacist, misogynistic and antisemitic rhetoric, and for being the poster boy for the so-called incel movement. 1/17

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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

It took 68 years for the world to reach 1 terawatt of #solar PV capacity. It took just two years to double it. reneweconomy.com.au/it-took-68-yea…

"The detailed research shows that, in a world of global supply chains and multinational production, major tariffs are likely to be far more damaging—especially to manufacturing jobs—than even basic economics would suggest." economicforces.xyz/p/econ-101-is-…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Poliisijärjestöjen hätähuuto: Ruotsin jengivallasta tullut koko Pohjolan ongelma, johon emme pysty vastaamaan yle.fi/a/74-20123756?…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Trump on luvannut uusia tulleja jo aiemmin asettamiensa lisäksi, myös Euroopalle. Mutta kannattaako protektionismiin vastata protektionismilla vai vapaakaupalla? eurojatalous.fi/fi/blogit/2024…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

If any other minority group were hunted and beaten in Amsterdam, I don’t believe the usual suspects on the left would be coming up with excuses to say why they deserved it.

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

1/9 Is Angela Merkel the most overrated Western politician of the century? Her legacy is undeniably poor

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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted. We've been in touch with Israeli and Dutch officials and appreciate Dutch authorities’ commitment to holding the perpetrators accountable. We…

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Kiinassa sähköautojen osuus on noussut kuudessa vuodessa 0-> 50%. Nykykehityksellä markkina kääntyy puhtaasti sähköiseksi alle 10 vuodessa. Tällä on massiivisia vaikutuksia: - Kiinan asemaan globaalisti suurimpana sähköautovalmistajana ja myös viejänä (huolimatta tariffeista…

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Ovatko nuoret miehet vihaisia? Kuulostaa heidän kannattaman politiikan suosion selityksenä samanlaiselta kuin vasemmiston politiikan selittäminen kateudella. Voihan jotkut nuoret miehet ollakkin vihaisia, mutta varmasti politiikalleen löytyy muitakin syitä.

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted
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Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

My MAGA neighbor five minutes ago: “I just read that tariffs are going to raise prices for stuff. I don’t get it. I thought China was going to pay them.” I explained how tariffs work. I wish you could see the look on the guy’s face when it sunk in. So much ignorance out there.

Mikko Koivukangas Reposted

Jos Amsterdamissa nähdyn systemaattisen antisemitistisen väkivallan takana olisivat valkoihoiset uusnatsit, koko Eurooppa olisi järkyttynyt, ja eri instituutiot ja filosofit sekä media antaisivat tuomitsevia julkilausumia. Nyt uutisointia leimaavat eufemismit.


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