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vivi alatas


a makhluk, a mother, an economist, a reseacher, a human being. Author of Izinkan Aku Berbagi Harapan, Indonesia Jobs Report, dll

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vivi alatas Reposted

Nutrition 101 in 26 sentences. Trust me, you didn't take this class in school:

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vivi alatas Reposted

"Do celebrity endorsements matter?" economics.mit.edu/sites/default/… "A twitter experiment promoting vaccination in Indonesia" Updated paper by @vvalatas and others

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vivi alatas Reposted

Jangan lewatkan tayangan dan presentasi @vvalatas dibawah ini yang sangat menarik dan bermanfaat tentang jeratan kemiskinan serta jalan keluar-nya. Keluar dari Jerat Kemiskinan–Vivi Alatas | TVPerwiraBangsa #06 youtu.be/2vBwAduclw4 via @YouTube

vivi alatas Reposted

youtube.com/watch?v=2vBwAd… *TV Perwira Bangsa bersama Dr. Vivi Alatas.* Kemiskinan telah menjadi salah satu masalah sosial dan ekonomi yang pelik dan kompleks bagi masyarakat dunia. Kemiskinan menjadi rantai yang membelenggu manusia untuk dapat menjalani hidup berkualitas.

vivi alatas Reposted

“Defending the ecosystem from industry, from development, from poachers, as Farwiza Farhan (@wiiiiza) and her fellow activists are doing, is essential work,” writes @JaneGoodallInst #TIME100Next ti.me/3LMBpeJ

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vivi alatas Reposted

Sebulan lalu Menko PMK bilang 3 thn terakhir ada penurunan persentase bayi yang dapat ASI eksklusif. Pernyataan Menko PMK sejalan dg temuan investigasi @hariankompas yg mengungkap dugaan praktik pemasaran susu formula utk bayi 0-6 bln yg melanggar aturan kompas.id/baca/investiga…

vivi alatas Reposted

Sebuah tulisan bagus dr pak Hery Shietra tentang dunia kelam seorang sarjana hukum, yg coba saya rangkum poin-poinnya. @anak_legal A THREAD

vivi alatas Reposted

Kasus Esteh jadi momentum bagus untuk membahas urgensi regulasi minuman manis. Gula itu bahaya bro.

vivi alatas Reposted

Anda itu ada apa &kenapa? Nana @NajwaShihab adlh seorang profesional di profesinya. Seseorang disebut profesional dalam profesinya apabila dia mencintai, konsisten, passionate, memberikan dedikasi dengan semua prinsip & integritasnya. Sebagai sesama wanita I stand for Najwa ✊❤️

Mba @NajwaShihab ini kelemahannya dia gak mau mendengar, sdh beberapa tahun yg lalu kita nasehatin utk merubah cara dia menjadi pembawa acara. Skr narsum penting hampir gak ada yg mau ke acara dia lagi. Semua diambil habis sama dedi corbuzier. Orang2 sekelilingnya yg merusak

vivi alatas Reposted

Robert Greene is one of the greatest writers of our time. Here’s 10 things I've learned from Robert about mastery, creativity, and human nature:

vivi alatas Reposted

Selamat datang di Kota Tangsel, kota tanpa publik transport yg layak.

Ciputat senin pagi 🔥

vivi alatas Reposted

The data on cannabis use in young people (age 12-18) leading to schizophrenia and psychosis later in life even after cessation of cannabis use, are striking, concerning & lend balance to the idea that cannabis is harmless or better b/c it is “safer than alcohol”.

vivi alatas Reposted

🚨🚨 @cp_roth and I have provided a resource collection for econ grad students: sites.google.com/view/econgrada… which we will keep updating and hope you find it helpful! 👉👉 Now we need your input: What other public good would be helpful? Please respond to tweet or DM!

vivi alatas Reposted

#EconTwitter: what micro datasets on individuals/households are easily accessible for students to work with, e.g., for a Master Thesis? It's ok if they have to apply/register, but they are not typically employed at our chair, nor can we cover costs for data access. #followerpower

vivi alatas Reposted

This 'thirsty' concrete absorbs 880 gallons of water a minute

vivi alatas Reposted

Good morning, As promised, here is a thread on Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world (280m people) & largest economy in Southeast Asia (USD1.2trn in 2021) or USD4,200 per capita. Let's go! 🇮🇩 #Indonesia

vivi alatas Reposted

If you start your day with social media, the news, or email, realize: you're starting your day at the mercy of others. Social media is others telling you what to think. The news is others telling you what to read/watch. Your inbox is others telling you what to do.

vivi alatas Reposted

The very foundation of Islam is literacy - to read & seek knowledge. The first word of the Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was “Iqra” which means Read. To celebrate International Literacy Day, here are 24 beautiful Qur’anic manuscripts in museums across the world…

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vivi alatas Reposted

In 1995, 14 wolves were released into the wild in Yellowstone National Park. Scientists at the time did not suspect that this would radically change the entire ecosystem of the park. 1/n

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