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工学全般、政治哲学、科学哲学、障害学、教育社会学、経済学の異端的アプローチ、ポスト資本主義論、世界中の音楽を聴くことなどに興味がありますが、薄学であり、いろいろ勉強中です。 誤りを含む呟き、どなたかを傷つける呟きをしてしまっていたらご指摘戴けると幸いです。 🌹🌻🚀🏴🗽🕊🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🦼🖤🔻

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オオセミライ Reposted

1/2 When the creditor class say 'printing money causes inflation' they naturalise their intentions. By jacking up prices and interest rates, attacking currencies and withdrawing capital they cause inflation, damage economies and inflict suffering on populations. Why? To chasten..

オオセミライ Reposted

From supercool materials that send heat into space to shape-shifting materials that can selectively fend it off, scientists are finding new strategies to reduce urban temperatures. Here's a rundown (1/4)--> nature.com/articles/d4158…


しかたの無いことなのだけど、 東京新聞にも記事に有料なものが増えたことは残念。 貧乏人が情弱になって行く。世の中がどうなっているのかの情報が一番必要な人達が。 ↓ この記事のことを言っているわけではありません

オオセミライ Reposted

I think the neoliberals have easily enough media clout to hammer the 'socialism is unworkable/slavery' message into enough people's neurological systems. The cultural normalisation of the 'zero-sum mindset' is quite disturbing. rebuildingmacroeconomics.ac.uk/zero-sum-minds…

オオセミライ Reposted

Milei's extreme libertarian reforms have plunged Argentina into 53% poverty, 18% below the food line. Import reforms will lower prices but bankrupt production. Who's happy? Bondholders, shareholders and global traders. We either crush the Chicago Boys or societies disintegrate.


斎藤氏の再選によって憂慮しなければならない危機は、あくまで"公務員の適正な労働環境"とか"官公労働者の人権"の危機であって、民主主義そのものの危機ではない もちろん前者だけでも真剣に考えねばならない問題だが、後者のような終末論的に誇張した騒ぎ方はむしろ問題の本質を見失わせるのでは

オオセミライ Reposted

It really is quite clear when you map it out, there's a pretty stark gap between East-West in Europe on attitudes towards Trump

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How would Europeans vote in the US election? Is there an explanation for Trump's very strong standing in central+south-eastern Europe?

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オオセミライ Reposted

One of my biggest pet peeves: When old historic maps overlap with modern political maps. A 🧵

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オオセミライ Reposted

According to an OXFAM report, since 2022, more than 80% of countries have seen cuts in govt spending on education, health and/or social protection; regressive taxation, and worsening labor rights/conditions, all of which contribute to greater inequality.wsws.org/en/articles/20…

オオセミライ Reposted

Explosive growth of Bluesky, an alternative to X and Facebook, etc. nytimes.com/2024/11/17/tec…

オオセミライ Reposted

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that after aiding more than one year's of non-stop genocide & ethnic cleansing any serious academics are still talking about America's "democratic values". It's like Hitler's aides preaching human rights.

オオセミライ Reposted

BREAKING: scientists hold back tears and shake their heads sadly as they explain utterly compromised COP29 climate conference was meant to be the last chance to organise rapid and deep emissions cuts for any chance of staying well below essentially unsurvivable 2°C 🧵

オオセミライ Reposted

Reposted from Joseph Wang, MIT physicist, on LinkedIn: “We are entering a world of US trade isolation and not the end of free trade. The BRICS nations are all for free trade. The US is going to massively increase tariffs for US goods, but the BRICS countries are pretty intend…

オオセミライ Reposted

Your govt has failed the people with self imposed fiscal conservatism.

縦軸が2020年から2023年の間の累積のインフレ率、横軸が対GDP比での非医療系への景気刺激支出。 #インフレ #政府支出 #積極財政 #積極予算

we’re at severe risk of taking the wrong lesson away from this whole inflation debacle

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オオセミライ Reposted

Welcome to the fringe 😅 You might have an interest in my book, which examines this phenomenon in some detail: ischinagood.org

オオセミライ Reposted

Seeing dozens of people accusing me of being a mouthpiece for the Chinese Communist Party proves my point even further: in the West, if you're not anti-China, you hold a fringe opinion. There are lots of things about China we can and should be critical of. But that's not the…

I'm shocked at how blatantly accepted it's become to hold anti-China views in the West. Since 1980, China has done so much more for global prosperity than the West: they've provided everyone with affordable consumer goods, they've been leading poverty reduction efforts, and now…

オオセミライ Reposted

The most profound shift? "The 20th century is finally over." The old institutions - universities, media, banks - aren't just failing. They're beyond repair.

オオセミライ Reposted

But Thiel warns: The real challenges are just beginning. • Blue state bankruptcies loom • Student debt crisis exploding • Border chaos intensifying • Foreign threats multiplying "The problems are harder than 8 years ago."

理論上の市場や理念上の民主主義と現実に存在する市場や民主政とを区別し、何が起こっているのかを冷静に分析し、それらの不完全性を知ることが市場や民主政の発展と進化にとって重要なことなのかもしれません。 #民主主義の勝利 それとも、#民主主義の敗北


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