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If I tell you I'm good, you would probably think I'm boasting. But if I tell you I'm no good, you know I'm lying.

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n00b Reposted

Sudut Pandang Kami Sebagai Suporter. Kanjuruhan Disaster 1 Oktober 2022 [A THREAD]

n00b Reposted

Go back in time with Google Search, and explore what the future holds.

Hey @HopperSupport, I just got charged while the booking is failed (twice)! Please check DM ASAP. Thx

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First tweet after a while, dedicated to my superdad

n00b Reposted

How many layers does it take to get to the center of a @googlequantumai computer? 🦉 Find out at #GoogleIO on May 18, 10am Pacific → g.co/io

modem @myorbitid barusan datang, mau aktivasi eh tapi gagal terus, kenapa nih? @Telkomsel

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fingerstyle (bass, melody, percussion) = devops (development, deployment, operation) highly complex, but fun!

very unselfish play of @Cristiano, fine goal by @Cuadrado

n00b Reposted

#CloudForIndonesia ☁️ kini sudah hadir di #Jakarta. Kalau kamu melewatkan acaranya minggu lalu, tonton siaran ulangnya on-demand dan pelajari bagaimana @GoogleCloud_ID membantu perusahaan untuk mengatasi tantangan dan berinovasi dengan lebih cepat ➡️ goo.gle/36skn0H

n00b Reposted

Jangan lewatkan kelas Gapura Digital GRATIS, khusus bagi UMKM yang ingin mempelajari alat dan tips untuk: ☑️ Mengelola tim dari rumah ☑️ Menjalankan bisnis dari rumah Yuk, daftar sekarang di ⬇️ bit.ly/daftarlivestre…

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n00b Reposted

Excited to announce the launch of our new Google Cloud region in Jakarta. Look forward to seeing how Indonesian enterprises and start-ups will use @GoogleCloud to build new businesses and unleash opportunities for people around the world.  cloud.google.com/blog/products/…

Indonesia, TODAY is the day!

We are 1️⃣ day away from our #Jakarta Cloud Region launch event! Thrilled to share that #Google CEO, @sundarpichai, and #GoogleCloud CEO, Thomas Kurian, will be joining us as part of our #CloudforIndonesia celebration. You won't want to miss this! goo.gle/2zDcVnm

n00b Reposted

Halo! you can read it here: @taziateresa: TWITTER PLEASE DO YOUR MIRACLE 💫 Widyastuti @Widyastuti2020, WN Belanda, mencari ibu kandungnya di… threadreaderapp.com/thread/1272481… Have a good day. 🤖

n00b Reposted

Google Developers menghadirkan Bootcamp 'virtual' yang pertama! 😎 Kami akan memberi pengenalan Machine Learning & cara integrasi fitur ML ke mobile apps. Fokusnya seputar TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit dan AutoML Edge Daftar → bit.ly/mlb-mobile-reg… Info → bit.ly/mlb-mobile-devs

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n00b Reposted

Event Webinar gratis dan santai "Ngabuburit Ngebahas Cloud" bareng @GoogleDevExpert @GCPcloud live di youtube tanggal 17 Mei 2020 jam 1-3 sore. Ada gw @rendybjunior dan @girikuncoro Yuk lah rsvp sekarang! loket.com/event/ngabubur… @googledevsid

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n00b Reposted

📢 #JuaraGCP Hadir Kembali 📢 Persiapkan perjalananmu belajar @GCPcloud mulai Jumat, 1 Mei, 2020. Kali ini topiknya adalah Machine Learning, DevOps & Infrastructure dan Application Development. Mulai dari tingkat pemula sampai advanced. Penasaran? Cek goo.gle/JuaraGCP 🙌🏼

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n00b Reposted

Machine learning has a lot of potential as we track and understand COVID-19, but it's not a panacea. @antgoldbloom explains. stanford.io/2w70GxN

n00b Reposted

As data scientists, we (with @math_rachel) have done our best to look at the data around covid-19, and what it means to you and your community. Our view: it is appropriate to be very concerned, and significantly change your lifestyle, right now. 1/13 fast.ai/2020/03/09/cor…

n00b Reposted

Ingin belajar tentang @GCPCloud tapi tidak tahu mulai dari mana? Bergabunglah dengan kami di #GoogleCloudOnBoard #OnAir dari 24-26 Maret. Belajar tentang: ✅ Core Infrastructure ✅ Big Data & ML ✅ Application Development Transformasi bisnis Anda → goo.gle/2PKr3jz


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