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Steve Campbell


Retired middle school teacher / Truth seeker / Follower of Jesus / Occasional cynic 😉

Joined October 2010
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#Tuesdaytidbits: It's no lack of faith to admit that life is hard. In Bible times, Joseph knew he was in a "land of affliction." But his full statement was this: "God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction" (Genesis 41: 52). God can still do something where you are.

#Tuesdaytidbits: Everyone has a story—one that explains so much about their habits and hopes, if only we knew it. Bible people like Moses, David, Ruth, Jeremiah... modern people like neighbors, colleagues, and classmates. If someone puzzles you, remember: Everyone has a story.

#Tuesdaytidbits: Recently someone told me, "Today is God's day. Tomorrow is the devil's day." This is very good! Don't let tomorrow's fears rob you of your confidence in God today. But also, don't wait until tomorrow to do what you know God wants you to do now.

#Tuesdaytidbits: By itself, conflict is not proof of a failed relationship. Conflict proves we care. In a valued relationship, conflict leads to growth, not division. Poorly handled conflict will cause many other problems (Proverbs 25: 28), but conflict itself is not failure.

#Tuesdaytidbits: Long ago I often heard this: "Be a help, not a hindrance." If we don't know the next good thing to do, at least we can support what's already happening (like Phoebe, helper of many, Romans 16:2). And sometimes the best help is to get out of someone else's way.

#Tuesdaytidbits: Nothing that happens today will be so terrible that God can no longer do His work. And nothing will be so tremendous that you no longer need to trust Him. Let your confidence rest in the Lord. He will never disappoint you. (Others will.)

#Tuesdaytidbits: Once at a college football game I overheard two students sharing ideas they recently read in the Bible. It felt like the most natural conversation in the world for them. Let's normalize talking easily about faith—even if we disagree. What could be more valuable?

#Tuesdaytidbits: It seems to be fashionable lately to call people idiots and morons (and worse) if they don't agree with us. Jesus was meek, gentle, lowly. The servant of the Lord should be the same. (Yes, He was angry sometimes, but that gives us no license to insult others.)

#Tuesdaytidbits: Those claw games at the arcade—maybe you get a prize, maybe you don't. It's fun to try. But don't treat your spiritual life that way, just grabbing at the world to see what you get. God made you for more than that. Seek heavenly things that will feed your soul.

#Tuesdaytidbits: The ancient prophet Isaiah knew some people were discouraged. Weak hands and feeble knees were symptoms of an anxious heart. He called others to strengthen them, to tell them, "Fear not! Your God will come and save you." [Isaiah 35: 3-4] This is still the way.

#Tuesdaytidbits: At midnight, Friend A suddenly needed food for Friend B, so A went to C. C was tired but gave A all he needed. -"Midnight" needs are urgent. You might feel unprepared. -But God is even more gracious than Friend C. Ask Him for what your friends need. [Luke 11]

#Tuesdaytidbits: Music is powerful. It intensifies every experience, from the holy to the ordinary to the unholy, from worship to wild indulgence. [Exodus 15 & 32] Therefore, stay aware of where music takes you, and carry beautiful songs with you. Music is caffeine for the soul.

#Tuesdaytidbits: The diving bell spider lives underwater by carrying air bubbles below the surface to its home. That air is its survival. Surrounded by the world, we must carry the atmosphere of heaven with us. That heavenly air is our survival. Set your mind on things above.

#Tuesdaytidbits: How far would God go to find you? The Bible view is that Jesus came from heaven all the way to earth to seek us and save us. How far do we have to go to find God? We don't! Let the message of faith be in our mouths and in our hearts (Romans 10: 8).

#Tuesdaytidbits: The stubborn prophet Jonah likely lived around the same time as the prophets Hosea and Amos. Weren't they more reliable than Jonah? Why didn't God send one of them to preach in Nineveh? It's because God was doing something not only in Nineveh but also in Jonah.

#Tuesdaytidbits: The pursuit of happiness is an American ideal—fine in context. But what if we aspired to these Bible ones? -pursue hospitality -pursue what is good -pursue love -pursue righteousness -pursue things that lead to peace Happiness is about "me;" these are about "we."

#Tuesdaytidbits: 3000 years ago, through Asaph the songwriter, God spoke to thieves, liars, and marriage cheaters: "I was silent, and you thought I was just like you" (Psalm 50: 21). Don't make bad assumptions if God is silent. He is not just like us. He will make truth prevail.

#Tuesdaytidbits: Surrounded by trouble, Jeremiah told God, "Nothing is too hard for You." And God replied, "*Is there* anything too hard for Me?" [Jeremiah 32] What have you always believed about God? Something will come along to test whether you really believe it after all.

#Tuesdaytidbits: It can be truly valuable to tell your own story. "By the grace of God, I am what I am," said Paul (1 Corinthians 15: 10). However, far more often, we don't know when to stop; and the truth is that it's almost always possible to speak less about yourself.

#Tuesdaytidbits: In John Milton's "Sonnet 19," he was upset that blindness kept him from serving God. But then he answered himself: God doesn't depend on us. Yes, thousands serve Him with speed, but "they also serve who only stand and wait." And that's a good thing to remember.


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