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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim


Joined January 2016
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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Probablemente el gobierno haya empezado a cavar su propia tumba con la consulta popular. Sería un mal momento para preguntar lo que quieren preguntar, es mejor que no lo hagan. Mi columna de hoy para diario @el_telegrafo eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/colum…

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

¡Seguimos trabajando por la seguridad y asistencia de los colombianos en #Ucrania! Con el apoyo de #Ecuador, ya aterrizaron en #Quito 9 connacionales evacuados de Ucrania 🇺🇦. Nuestro Consulado en 🇪🇨, en una labor conjunta con la #OIM, se encargará de su traslado a #Colombia.

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Acaba de llegar a nosotros un caso indignante. En estos hechos, no sólo se ven vulnerados los derechos de los consumidores sino los derechos de los animales. Indefensos e inocentes. Somos nosotros los llamados a darles voz y a exigir que se respete su vida y bienestar.

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

#ATENCIÓN | Nobel de Física para tres científicos por sus descubrimientos sobre los agujeros negros » bit.ly/33EBm09

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

NYC-ACC kill lists are now called "Emergency Placement". Shelter stress makes all adoptions urgent. See: tinyurl.com/ACC-EMERG & others: tinyurl.com/ACC-FBK or where you live. They are in this mess because of us. #Adopt #foster any animal(s) you can. Thank you & go #vegan.

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

#CancilleríaEnElMundo 🌎▶️ Te invitamos a conocer un resumen de la gestión de las embajadas y consulados del Ecuador 🇪🇨 en los distintos países. #DiplomaciaActiva

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

ART MUSEUM | TOMORROW 10/02 8pm EST we invite you to attend the launch of the first Ecuadorian VIDEOGAME VIRTUAL MUSEUM FRANZ DEL CASTILLO. @CancilleriaEc @Cultura_Ec @franzdelcastill 🕖👓📲🖥⬇️ecuador.org/lanzamiento-de…

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

#WorldVegetarianDay, what a thrill. So don't eat meat but feel free to participate in the exploitation of animals by consuming dairy and eggs, wearing wool and leather, etc., all while you feel good about yourself because you think you’re not exploiting animals...2

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com Video: “Thought of the Day: Veganism Justice or Harm Reduction?” youtu.be/PMJ664nXJQo

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

A New Abolitionist Approach Poster AbolitionistApproach.com HowDoIGoVegan.com Video: “Advocate for Animals: An Abolitionist Vegan Handbook” youtu.be/neery7feG6g

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Supposedly rational humans are currently suffering a pandemic, another zoonotic infectious disease that could have been avoided if we did not eat animals. Add climate catastrophe, which could be avoided by abandoning animal agriculture. To say #veganism is extreme is irrational.

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Singer’s position that only those beings with a humanlike sense of self awareness have an interest in living (as distinct from not suffering) is speciesist. A fish values her/his life just as I value mine and you value yours: abolitionistapproach.com/singers-fish-p…

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

NYC “kill lists” are suspended due to #COVID19. But shelter stress & uncertainty make all adoptions urgent. They are in this mess because of us. If you are able, PLEASE #adopt #foster any animal(s) you can & go #vegan. Thank you. tinyurl.com/ACC-MAIN OR tinyurl.com/ACC-FBK

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

2/2 Abolitionist vegans recognize that animal rights and human rights are inextricably intertwined. Abolitionist veganism is not just a philosophy abt animals; it is a philosophy about life. A concern abt nonhumans that does not encompass a concern abt humans is just misanthropy.

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

We can’t control others but we can control ourselves and if we decide that doing X is morally wrong and harms others (human or nonhuman), we should just stop doing X. We don’t need a support group. We just need a spine. Go #vegan. Visit HowDoIGoVegan.com

Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Some animal advocates maintain that there is no real difference between the abolitionist approach and the new welfarist approach of Peter Singer. I discuss Singer’s views to illustrate significant theoretical and practical differences in our approaches: abolitionistapproach.com/peter-singer-a…

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

We all agree “unnecessary” animal suffering and death are morally wrong. Certainly that should include reasons of pleasure or convenience. But those are the reasons we impose suffering and death on animals we eat every day. This is moral schizophrenia: abolitionistapproach.com/unnecessary-su…

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Por cada animal que tu familia decida adoptar, le estás cambiando la vida y además nos ayudas a liberar espacios para seguir salvando más vidas! Te atreves a vivir la mejor experiencia de tu vida? #MilVecesAdopta yoamoanimales@yahoo.com

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

Orejas arriba y carita de felicidad!!! Madonna desde @villacaninagye Está en busca de una familia que desee adoptarla y hacerla feliz de por vida 💞 Solicita el formulario de adopcion al correo yoamoanimales@yahoo.com y atrevete a vivir la mejor experiencia de tu vida.

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Maria Rosa Guerrero Aquim Reposted

I always couple any discussion of #adoption/#fostering and my rejection of domestication with the other central part of the abolitionist message: #veganism as the only rational response to the recognition that animals have moral value: abolitionistapproach.com/single-issue-c…

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