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𝔸man 𝔸li


11:11 ♏

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ނޫސްބަޔާން: ޓޫރިޒަމް އެސްޓެބްލިޝްމަންޓްތަކަށް ބޭރު ފައިސާއިން ލިބޭ އާމްދަނީ މާރުކުރުމަށް ސަރުކާރާއި މަރުކަޒީ ބޭންކުން އެކަށައަޅާފައިވާ ބޭރު ފައިސާއާބެހޭ ގަވާއިދު އޮތް ގޮތުން ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޓޫރިޒަމް ސިނާއަތަށް ލިބިދާނެ ބޮޑު ގެއްލުމުގެ ކަންބޮޑުވުންތައް.

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

This is the real meaning behind the symbolism of Baphomet. Many people can't comprehend this thread because they have been indoctrinated to remain blind. If you think the Church and the Pope, who controlled everything at that time, were evil, then why do you also consider the…

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

Fighting to tax the ultra rich and building a walled city for them in the same week is kinda crazy. #SchizoMuizzo 💀

Tax the rich, against mahujans vefa ulhun emmen mihaaru kobaa?

They don't just control the dollars. They own the Banks, airports, airlines and even STO. The system was fucked up since maumoon. They own everything, let the people fight over political posts and make money everyday. 🤡

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

The world’s richest man built the entire healthcare system to keep you sick. He transformed healing into a profit-driven machine—and buried natural medicine in the process. This man is John D. Rockefeller. And here is the dark story of how he did it: 🧵

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

Elon Musk said: “If a government official is effective in spending your money, they should be rewarded. If they waste your money, they should be fired.”

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Hotels use travel agents to play with numbers and profits. It's not about the room rate. You're not losing any money. Pay up

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted
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Due to the success of the first big rally by MDP, you may have to see old clips/memes of MDP regime in coming days as PNC has no quality fire/manpower to attack until laws are passed to silence media and activists.

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

Korean scientists claim Pfizer, Moderna mRNA vaccine vials contain self-assembling nanoparticles that can form into clots Confirming what many suspected to be the case, two Korean scientists have found that the mRNA vaccine vials from both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna contain…

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Introduction of vape and alternative nicotine consuming options had a big effect on cigarette monopoly distributors. New regulations are formed in a way more nicotine addicts returning back to cigarettes and more money for the government for them to steal.

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

Did you know that any Maldivian citizen's right to residency is a constitutional right? This is the right to move from one island to another, establish residence on the island, and receive access to rights and benefits afforded to the island's residents. These rights include the…

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

17. Foreign military presence in Africa

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

8. Political Control in Africa

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

1. The Tax Loophole Most people don't know this, but: In the US, companies can claim back 99% of import taxes by destroying goods if customs officials supervise the destruction. They make more money burning clothes than selling at discount...

𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

You've done us proud, Ruud.

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𝔸man 𝔸li Reposted

Roseanne makes the crowd go wild. "They stole that election in 2020. They gave us g*ddamn COVID so we'd send in those mail-order ballots and all that bullshit and the post office cheated too. Everybody in this country cheated us out of our President in…

ހޭބުއްދި ފިލާގޮސް ދީވާނާވެގެން ގޮވޭނުގޮވޭ ނޭނގޭ. ޔަހޫދީން އެބައިމީހުންގެ ނުބައިކަން ފޮރުވަން ދައްކަނީ ހަމަ ތިޔަކަހަލަ ވާހަކަ ކަން ހަނދާން ކޮއްލަދެން. ރަނަގަޅުކުރެވޭނީ ޒަމްޒަމް މެންކަހަލަ ދީނީ އިންފލުއެންޒާ ވައިރަސްތަކުން އެކަންތައް ދިފާޢު ނުކޮށް ނަސޭހަތް ދީގެން.

ކުޑަކޮށްކަން މިޤައުމުގައި ހޭބުއްދި ހުރި ކޮންމެ މީހަކު ޤަބޫލުކުރެއެވެ. އެންމެ ގާތް ގޮތަކީ، އެއްވެސް އެއްޗެއް ނުލައި ތިބެ މުބާރާތް ބޭއްވުމަށް ނުވަތަ އަލަމްގިރި މުބާރާތެއް އީޖާދުކުރަން އެމްޑީޕީ އިން ވޯޓު ދިނުމެވެ. އެމީހުންގެ ވެރިކަމުގައި ކަން ހިނގީ އެމަގުންނެވެ.

Manifesto yes indeed. However locations were finalized based on personal merit rather than considering the future of the country. No research was done as per public knowledge. Thats why people see PNC govt as amateurs.

ޚިޔާލު އެ އޮތީ ހޯދާފަ. ރައީސް @MMuizzu މުޅި ރާއްޖޭގެ ރައްޔިތުންނަށް މެނިފެސްޓޯއެއް ހުށަހެޅުއްވި. ރަށްރަށުގެ ޕޯޑިއަމްތަކުގައި އެކަމުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ހިއްސާކުރެއްވި. މެޖޯރިޓީ ރައްޔިތުން ވޯޓުދިނީ އެ މެނިފެސްޓޯއަށް! @faya_i

Mr Maldives : ❌ Miss Maldives: ❌ Gym back shots: ✅

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