j_niediek's profile picture.

Johannes Niediek


Joined February 2018
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Johannes Niediek Reposted

🔊 Check out our latest pre-print! Congrats to the whole team! 👏 #Neuroscience #AI

Attention is awesome! So we (@NeuroLei @arisbenjamin @ml_tuberlin @KordingLab and #NeuroAi) built a biologically inspired model of visual attention and binding that can simultaneously learn and perform multiple attention tasks 🧠 Pre-print: doi.org/10.1101/2024.0… A 🧵...

Johannes Niediek Reposted

Mein Mann und ich haben #ElterngeldPlus getestet, es hat nicht gut funktioniert. Sehr geehrte @lisapaus, ich hätte ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge für #gleichberechtigte Elternschaft. Denn der Staat sollte die traditionelle Aufteilung nicht mehr fördern: zeit.de/arbeit/2023-03…

Johannes Niediek Reposted

I don’t remember what life was like before starting this project years ago, but somehow our brains track the order of events well. How? See our paper on spike phase coding in human MTL and RNNs with J.Niediek @matthijs_pals @mackelab @humansingleunit biorxiv.org/content/10.110… 1/5

steliebe's tweet image. I don’t remember what life was like before starting this project years ago, but somehow our brains track the order of events well. How? See our paper on spike phase coding in human MTL and RNNs with J.Niediek @matthijs_pals @mackelab @humansingleunit biorxiv.org/content/10.110… 1/5

Sarah Czerney und Lena Eckert haben ein Netzwerk für Mütter in der Wissenschaft gegründet. Noch immer gibt es für Frauen mit Kindern große Hürden. taz.de/Wissenschaftle… via @tazgezwitscher

Johannes Niediek Reposted

Professor Domany recently created a public repository of the code of the "Super Paramagnetic Clustering". github.com/eytandomany/SPC It's amazing when old and relevant code is made accessible in a modern way. #OpenScience #opensource

Johannes Niediek Reposted

New by Mohrmann group in @NatureComms: Concept neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly represent abstract relations between concepts nature.com/articles/s4146…

Johannes Niediek Reposted

Job ad: Phd student or Postdoc at @uni_tue @ml4science! Use deep nets to study how neural populations in human MTL encode dynamic visual stimuli, in exciting project with @lealtaixe (TU Munich) + Florian Mormann (Bonn). Apply by Nov 02. Details uni-tuebingen.de/en/196976 Please RT!

's tweet image. Job ad: Phd student or Postdoc at @uni_tue @ml4science! Use deep nets to study how neural populations in human MTL encode dynamic visual stimuli, in exciting project with @lealtaixe (TU Munich) + Florian Mormann (Bonn). Apply by Nov 02. Details uni-tuebingen.de/en/196976 Please RT!

Johannes Niediek Reposted

We want to build an exciting and diverse group working on probabilistic ML tools for science, both for neuro and beyond. We will soon have openings for various roles (Senior Research Associate, Postdocs, Phd Students). In the meantime, feel free to informally contact me by email.

Johannes Niediek Reposted

Good news for a change! I'm now a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor @DIKU_Institut #NLProc 🙂 Thanks @coastalcph for a great postdoc and for the years to come! My new office is going to stay empty for a while though... #workingfromhome

daniel_hers's tweet image. Good news for a change! I'm now a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor @DIKU_Institut #NLProc 🙂
Thanks @coastalcph for a great postdoc and for the years to come!
My new office is going to stay empty for a while though... #workingfromhome

Expanding NIH%E2%80%99s Definition of Socio-Economic Disadvantaged to be More Inclusive and Diversify the Workforce nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2019/11/26…

Johannes Niediek Reposted

Bonus points if you can't even read it yourself https://t.co/9Tk2WREN0E

ThePracticalDev's tweet image. Bonus points if you can't even read it yourself https://t.co/9Tk2WREN0E

I'm against one-time use plastic dishes in Jerusalem's kindergartens: drove.com/.ZIf

Giant batteries and cheap solar power are shoving fossil fuels off the grid sciencemag.org/news/2019/07/g…

Johannes Niediek Reposted

What better reason for my first tweet EVER than a finished project? Big news for both memory researchers (CA1->ACC neurons establish remote memory at acquisition) and the glia community (astrocytes confer projection-specific effects). biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh…

Nice! These things deserve more attention. Developing a modern data workflow for evolving data biorxiv.org/content/early/…

Johannes Niediek Reposted

The treatment of Prof. Nikos Logothetis by the MPI @MaxPlanckPress is shameful. Please see a summary of the situation and statements of support by scientists worldwide (including myself) here: speakingofresearch.com/2018/07/25/ope…


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