Elizabeth Read
@elizreadAssociate Professor, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Irvine
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Interested in learning about the graduate program @UCIrvine in the Dept of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering @CBEUCI1 ? We're holding one more virtual info session TOMORROW, Nov. 29th 9:00 am California time. See CBE dept homepage to register: engineering.uci.edu/dept/cbe
If you interested in attending graduate school at @UCIrvine in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (@CBEUCI1) join our info session Tuesday, November 8th! Register Here: forms.gle/A6TQSoHjbXsrgn…
Super excited to kick off The Institute for Meaningful Engagement (TIME) today. It’s an NSF-funded program, led by Dr. Pheather R. Harris, and we have 12 STEM faculty at UCI that are committed to improving their pedagogy by understanding the experiences of minoritized students.
It's not too late to join us virtually Friday 6/10 (morning in California) for a networking event on Stochastic Dynamics & Physics of Protein-DNA Interactions! Hosted by @BiophysicalSoc, organized by @JinYuComBiophys and me. Free registration at biophysics.org/upcoming-netwo…
Join BPS on 6/10 for a Virtual Networking Event: Stochastic dynamics and physics of protein-DNA interaction. Anyone with interest in quantitative studies of protein-nucleic acid interactions and dynamics in genetic & epigenetic regulation should attend! ow.ly/yloW50JjQ3B
The CBE department invites you to participate in the Graduate Program Overview session, which will be held on November 4, Thursday at 9 am (PST). You will learn more about the CBE graduate program and research opportunities, and meet with the faculty.
What can you learn about DNA methylation by merging data-driven modeling and mechanistic modeling? Pleased to share a new preprint, our collaborative work with @timothy_lamont @HongleiR biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Join the laboratory of our newest faculty. Exciting opportunity for someone who wants to pursue postdoc or lab tech positions!
My lab is seeking to hire a postdoc (lnkd.in/dGmwin4) and lab tech (lnkd.in/d5iCniW), interested in the intersection of stem cell biology and tissue engineering. Projects are focused on gastrulation, morphogenesis, and organoid vascularization!
Join us for a weekly seminar by @JimPfaendtner Chair of @UWChemE on Friday, 11 am: Foundations and Applications of Chemical Engineering Data Science engineering.uci.edu/events/2021/5/…
Did you meet Sohyeon during recruitment? Here's another MCSB student with her story about the program!
Deadline extended to Feb. 15! Apply now to UCI graduate program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: apply.grad.uci.edu/apply/ 💙💛🐜 @UCIrvine @CBEUCI1 #uci #ucipride #zotzotzot #uciengineering #chemicalandbiomolecularengineering #gradschool #gradstudents #graduateprogram
Our CBE PhD student Adam Grosvirt-Dramen who is also a GSA president is sharing his experience on doing graduate research with Prof. Hochbaum.
For those interested in our graduate programs at UC Irvine Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: Come join us at the @CBEUCI1 virtual recruitment event on January 12, 9-10 am (Pacific)! forms.gle/LMdHWcT5yjreNt… Please share, thank you!
Department of Developmental and Cell Biology @UCIrvine is hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Quantitative Cell Biology. It’s a great place to start your lab with lots of support for young faculty! See details: recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF06529 Please RT
Did you know that CBE@UCI is a rapidly growing department with many open positions for Ph.D. researchers in Fall 2021? APPLY to our graduate programs in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering! The recommended application deadline is January 1st. Visit: engineering.uci.edu/dept/cbe/gradu…
Our weekly CBE Seminar this Friday 11 am - 12 pm: Advancing Theoretical Technology for Exploring Molecular Machines by Daniel Zuckerman, Oregon Health & Science University: engineering.uci.edu/events/2020/11…
Thank you! I’m so thrilled to be part of this series.
I’m very much looking forward to the excellent @elizread speaking on noisy omics. Bridging multi-omics and mechanistic modelling opens up so many possibilities. Please share widely and join us for her seminar tomorrow. Register here: theoryoflivingsystems.org/event-details/…
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