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Tawakkul in Allah SWT.

Joined January 2011
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It is not the rejection per se that disappoints me. It is when I know that I didn't give my best. The regret >>> rejection

Penyesalan TERBESAR = Ga sungguh2 daftar karir yg udah ada tracknya kayak MT, CPNS, PCS, etc. Buat yg ga pinter2 dan cemerlang2 amat, mending memang milih karir yg pasti2 aja.

kesalahan terbesar apa yang pernah kamu lakukan dalam hidupmu selama ini? share agar bisa jadi pelajaran bagi anak2 muda di X..

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Hot take: If you get placed on a PIP, don’t bother trying to improve. The conversation about your future at that company has already been had, and the target is on your back. It’s time to look for another job.

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I don't believe that resilience is determined by the concept of freewill alone. Rather, the system where we live plays a major role in our resilience.

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Mango is literally the best fruit to ever exist.

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I personally hate conflict. But life often requires us to resolve tough disagreements and stand up for our values. Winning an argument isn’t about outsmarting the other side. It’s about creating understanding, finding common ground, and making real progress together.

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Baru tau sih. Tapi emang peran kementerian koordinator ini ngapain ya.

Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) resmi diumumkan tidak lagi berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian.

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I trust confrontational people a lot more than non-confrontational ones, because they have no problem raising issues, speaking up and being honest up front

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Faktor terbesar stres di dunia kerja ternyata bersumber di interaksi sosial rekan kantor. Kalau ternyata 40% hidup dihabiskan dalam kantor, sedangkan relasi kantor itu ga sehat, kebayang ga stres berkepanjangan dampaknya akan seperti apa?

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Bekerjalah di tempat kerja dan beramallah di tempat amal. Jangan dicampur aduk, walaupun seandainya tempat kerja kamu adalah tempat amal.

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Dulu ada yg bilang kalo Indo agama mayoritas bukan islam pasti maju Ya engga juga, most likely jadinya filipina

filipin kan emang indo versi katolik kwkwwkwkwk

Pas udah keluar negeri, baru tahu public transport Indonesia itu masih jauh tertinggal. Misalnya, untuk urusan sesimpel top up kartu e-money aja susah.

Boleh gak tinggal di Europe aja. Hidup dijalani santai dan biasa2 saja, ngga usah ngoyo2 ini itu, uang dapet dan kebutuhan terpenuhi.

In some societies, it's safe to be an average person. Europe is the best example of this. If you have no personality, ambition, or interests, you will find yourself relatively healthy, cultured, and happy, more or less by default. Your society, both at the government and family…

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Teman2x... don't bother subscribing to LinkedIn Premium if your main goal is job-seeking (in Indonesia). Most of the available vacancies are proxies for already unavailable openings. It's there to fulfill targets instead of hiring. And most of the actual vacancies are by posts.

Kerja sama orang2 ini bikin sumbu naik terus. Iya sih, ngirim response pada cepet2, tapi salah2 semua. Alhamdulillah deh ngga apply jadi officernya.

Kerjaannya sih seru, tp orgnya biadab semua.

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Instead of nightclubs I want a 24hr library with hot chocolate stations, a dessert bar, coffee machine, big comfy chairs and beanbags, blankets, dogs welcome, just people who want to spend the evening reading alone, together, peaceful, a cosy fire, plants, an indoor waterfall.

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