arowan_ml's profile picture. Bayesian reasoning and probabilistic programming in industry.

Andrew Rowan


Bayesian reasoning and probabilistic programming in industry.

Joined August 2016
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Andrew Rowan Reposted

📢 Fascinated to announce our #ICML Workshop on “Counterfactuals in Minds and Machines”! Submit your latest empirical, modeling, computational, and position work on counterfactual reasoning by June 2. CFP on the website: Speakers and co-organizers in 🧵

stratis_'s tweet image. 📢 Fascinated to announce our #ICML Workshop on “Counterfactuals in Minds and Machines”! Submit your latest empirical, modeling, computational, and position work on counterfactual reasoning by June 2.
CFP on the website:

Speakers and co-organizers in 🧵

Andrew Rowan Reposted

New paper: On the unreasonable effectiveness of LLMs for causal inference. GPT4 achieves new SoTA on a wide range of causal tasks: graph discovery (97%, 13 pts gain), counterfactual reasoning (92%, 20 pts gain) & actual causality. How is this possible?🧵

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Very excited for our October 20-22 workshop "Philosophy of Science Meets Machine Learning", hosted by @ml4science Speakers include @cameronjbuckner @FeestUljana @ds_wats0n @uhlily @zacharylipton @KathleenACreel and many more. For the full program, see…

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Our 2012 paper ‘On causal and anticausal learning’ just received a Test of Time Honorable Mention at @icmlconf #ICML2022:…. I am really grateful, and would like to use this occasion for some thoughts on causality and machine learning:

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Getting AI to avoid harmful actions by asking why. In collaboration with DT (@babylonhealth) & Rory (@CoMind_ ).

New work from our safety team proposes counterfactual reasoning as a key ingredient for safe and ethical AI. Read more:… Work by @jonathanrichens, Rory Beard (@CoMind_) and Daniel Thompson (Babylon).

Andrew Rowan Reposted

New paper from the @awscloud Causal Representation Learning team and @EPFL_en: "Score matching enables causal discovery of nonlinear additive noise models": the gradient of the log likelihood gives the topological order.

FrancescoLocat8's tweet image. New paper from the @awscloud Causal Representation Learning team and @EPFL_en: "Score matching enables causal discovery of nonlinear additive noise models": the gradient of the log likelihood gives the topological order.

Andrew Rowan Reposted

The WHY-21 workshop "Causal Inference & Machine Learning: Why now?" is currently accepting submissions, Our goal is to bring CI & ML researchers together to discuss the nextgen AI! (joint w/ @yudapearl, Y. Bengio, T. Sejnowski, @bschoelkopf) @NeurIPSConf

Andrew Rowan Reposted

🚨 9 days left to submit to the @icmlconf workshop on the *Neglected Assumptions in Causal Inference* (…). We are eager to hear from researchers inside and outside of computer science! @LauraBBalzer @alexdamour @uhlily @raziehnabi @ShalitUri @ICML2021

Andrew Rowan Reposted

In ML, spurious correlations are know-it-when-you-see-it; e.g., changing “Alice rules!” to “Bob rules!” changes predicted sentiment. Such ad-hoc tests are intuitive, but hard to connect to standard practice. Turns out, causality has a lot to say!

victorveitch's tweet image. In ML, spurious correlations are know-it-when-you-see-it; e.g., changing “Alice rules!” to “Bob rules!” changes predicted sentiment. Such ad-hoc tests are intuitive, but hard to connect to standard practice. Turns out, causality has a lot to say!

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Towards Causal Representation Learning: led by @bschoelkopf and myself, with amazing co-authors Stefan Bauer, @rosemary_ke, @NalKalchbrenner, @anirudhg9119, Yoshua Bengio, accepted in the Proceedings of the IEEE. Link:

FrancescoLocat8's tweet image. Towards Causal Representation Learning: led by @bschoelkopf and myself, with amazing co-authors Stefan Bauer, @rosemary_ke, @NalKalchbrenner, @anirudhg9119, Yoshua Bengio, accepted in the Proceedings of the IEEE. 


Andrew Rowan Reposted

Underspecification Presents Challenges for Credibility in Modern Machine Learning. (arXiv:2011.03395v1 [cs.LG])

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Also see this attempt at data driven causal ML:

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Of course Data-driven ML wont be replaced. As Rung-1 in the Ladder, it is an important component in any Causal Inference Engine. It will transform, however, from a data-exclusive engine to a hybrid {data,model}-driven engine. As to far-fetched futures, see…

It’s unlikely that data-driven ML will be replaced. Rather it will be augmented by causal modeling. And I bet that even causal modeling will eventually become data-driven itself in the form of causal generative models.

Andrew Rowan Reposted

We (@anirudhg9119 @jovana_mitr @theophaneweber @janexwang @DaniloJRezende @csilviavr, Stefan Bauer) will be organizing the Causal learning for decision making workshop at #ICLRL2020,…

#ICLRL2020 will be home to 15 workshops, all run virtually! The workshop organizers are working incredibly hard to bring everything together for 26 April 🤩. See all the amazing workshops we have here👉🏾…

Andrew Rowan Reposted

"absolutely brilliant" —Nobel Laureate Danny Kahneman The Next Decade in AI: Four Steps Towards Robust Artificial Intelligence It's what I wish I had had time to say at the #AIDebate :) Finally ready, free, on arXiv. Happy Reading!

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Delighted to announce the CFA for our next Kinds of Intelligence conference, June 22-25 in Cambridge. The event aims to explore mind and cognition with an emphasis on artificial and non-human biological intelligence. Please share widely!…

The case for Bayesian Deep Learning – succinctly and crisply argued by @andrewgwils

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Mini thread: If you haven't already @FChollet's beautiful & insightful paper on intelligence & AI, you should. An elegant distillation of where we are now, & an intriguing proposal for how to make progress.

Andrew Rowan Reposted

Check out our extensive review paper on normalizing flows! This paper is the product of years of thinking about flows: it contains everything we know about them, and many new insights. With @eric_nalisnick, @DeepSpiker, @shakir_za, @balajiln Thread 👇

Looking for something to read in your flight to #NeurIPS2019? Read about Normalizing Flows from our extensive review paper (also with new insights on how to think about and derive new flows) with @gpapamak @eric_nalisnick @DeepSpiker @balajiln @shakir_za

DaniloJRezende's tweet image. Looking for something to read in your flight to #NeurIPS2019?  Read about Normalizing Flows from our extensive review paper (also with new insights on how to think about and derive new flows) with @gpapamak @eric_nalisnick @DeepSpiker  @balajiln @shakir_za
DaniloJRezende's tweet image. Looking for something to read in your flight to #NeurIPS2019?  Read about Normalizing Flows from our extensive review paper (also with new insights on how to think about and derive new flows) with @gpapamak @eric_nalisnick @DeepSpiker  @balajiln @shakir_za


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