Drew Yates
@YMDrewIm a husband, father of 2 boys, 1 beautiful baby girl and Minister of Students & Families @ New Life Baptist in Adel, Ga
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yeah - lots of confusion for that one
Students don’t need leaders who are adults, but act like teenagers. They need leaders who act like adults, but care about teenagers.
I am so sorry to hear of any service issues. Let's get this figured out as we are not showing any outages or trends in the area provided. When did this problem start? Anyone else experiencing this issue? Does the device show no service or your can't use a specific function? -AL
best way to plant a church? reach lost people. best way to revitalize a church? reach lost people. best way to impact a community? reach lost people. best way to grow a church? reach lost people. best way to mature a church? equip people to reach lost people.
a deeply divided culture desperately needs a deeply united church.
Student ministry shouldn’t be seen as a stepping stone to a pastorate.
God is not going to bless a country or a culture that comes up with its own rules and asks Him to bless it.
church is not an event we go to. the church is who we are. #BeTheChurch
generation Z are non-religious, but they’re not anti-Church. these two things are true: 1. students are not going to stumble into our church buildings accidentally. 2. they are open to coming if someone they know invites them.
if a student ministry is ran like a “church within a church”.. then, when a teen graduates out of that student ministry, it feels like they’re having to go join a different church. that’s why many leave. it’s ONE church. multi-generations. find ways to be on mission together.
The church today is not perfect. Nor has it ever been. But God has never introduced a Plan B for working out His purposes in the world. So find an imperfect church and invest yourself in making it better!
There is no white church. There is no black church. There is no brown, yellow or red church. There is only Christ’s church; purchased by Christ, built by Christ, headed by Christ, for the glory of Christ.
At least 66% of people who regularly attended church as teenagers are leaving before they graduate from college. Churches must disciple their young people differently as well as provide a more compelling model of the Christian life for them!
"In all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight." | Proverbs 3:6
Christianity isn't true because it works. It works because it's true.
The Great Commission starts at home.
"Faith isn't pretending our problems don't exist, nor is it simply blind optimism. Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Christ." #BillyGraham
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