UpstreamUNC's profile picture. News blog and lively discussion on interdisciplinary health communication, brought to you by UNC health communication scholars.

Upstream Blog at UNC


News blog and lively discussion on interdisciplinary health communication, brought to you by UNC health communication scholars.

Joined October 2010
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From Avengers to Eco-Friendly burial, this is the path my brain followed. Follow the link to read our post on the environmental impacts of traditional burials. #burial #Avengers #environment #Death

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. From Avengers to Eco-Friendly burial, this is the path my brain followed.  Follow the link to read our post on the environmental impacts of traditional burials.   #burial #Avengers #environment #Death

Check out our posts on Opioids this week! Yesterday: Safe Injection Facilities Today: Current Opioid Policy Tommorrow: Innovative Theater on Opioid Use #opioids #opioidcrisis

We love watching sports, but how often do we think about the physical sacrifices college athletes make? Check out our story on the toll of college athletics. #SamanthaCerio #NCAA #college #Athletics

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. We love watching sports, but how often do we think about the physical sacrifices college athletes make?  Check out our story on the toll of college athletics.  #SamanthaCerio #NCAA #college #Athletics

The not so sweet truth: sugar doesn't improve your mood. To learn more, click here: #sugar #research #butistillwantit #givemeallthechocolate

What does the Supreme Court have to say about vaccines? Check out "To vaccine or not to vaccine - the legal question" here: #vaccine #SupremeCourt

The bond market, public health, and the future....See how they're all related and how a potential recession may impact public health interventions. #YieldCurve #publichealth #recession

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. The bond market, public health, and the future....See how they're all related and how a potential recession may impact public health interventions.  #YieldCurve #publichealth #recession

Here at UNC, March Madness is always a big deal. In honor of the impending brackets, abundance of basketball, and other festivities, this post focuses on madness- specifically anger- and how it impacts your health. #MarchMadness #anger #mentalhealth

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. Here at UNC, March Madness is always a big deal.  In honor of the impending brackets, abundance of basketball, and other festivities, this post focuses on madness- specifically anger- and how it impacts your health. #MarchMadness #anger  #mentalhealth

Free all-natural, non-pharmaceutical intervention named the "blockbuster drug of the century." Read more on the Upstream Downstream blog.

NC is considering Medicaid expansion. Check out today's post for a quick summary of pros and cons. #MedicaidExpansion #ncpolitics #HealthInsurance

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. NC is considering Medicaid expansion.  Check out today's post for a quick summary of pros and cons.
#MedicaidExpansion #ncpolitics #HealthInsurance

Housing First models are gaining ground. Read our post to find out more. #housing #HousingCrisis #HOUSINGFORALL #homesforhomeless

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. Housing First models are gaining ground.  Read our post to find out more.

#housing #HousingCrisis #HOUSINGFORALL #homesforhomeless

Art and Innovation in Health Communication (We know it rhymes):

Research shows that exercising regularly can make you live longer. Click to find out more!

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. Research shows that exercising regularly can make you live longer. Click to find out more!

An egg a day might keep the doctor away? Or it at least shouldn't hurt your heart. Click to read about what an egg means for your heart health!

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. An egg a day might keep the doctor away? Or it at least shouldn't hurt your heart. Click to read about what an egg means for your heart health!

It seems like the verdict will never be out on coffee... here's a few things to know before reaching for your daily cup of coffee.

UpstreamUNC's tweet image. It seems like the verdict will never be out on coffee... here's a few things to know before reaching for your daily cup of coffee.

Heard about the new "Keto diet" fad? Find out the facts before you go all in on this one:… #keto #ketodiet #UNC

Questions regarding #HPVvaccination? Learn more about the vaccine, and work that is happening at #UNC here! #HPV #Vaccine

Recent work done by a number of community partners, including @NCAIDSAction , has led to changes in HIV criminalization in North Carolina. Learn more on the Upstream Blog here! #HIV #HIVCriminalization

The country is still in shock after the tragic Valentine's Day Shooting in Parkland, Florida,but teens have been organizing to promote gun control. Learn more on the Upstream blog here: #StudentsDemandAction #ParklandShooting #TeensForGunReform #ENOUGH

The #FDA approved a blood test for #concussions earlier this week, learn more in a recent post on the Upstream Blog here: #FDAapproves #HealthInnovation #brainhealth


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