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Salsa Erwina


A humanist and philanthropist wanna be. Deep passion for self growth topics, financial literacy, psychology and economics. Podcast host Jadi Dewasa 101👇👇

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Sedikit cerita tentang perjuangan merantau ke Kuala Lumpur dengan modal 3 Juta dikantong dan harus numpang tinggal dikosan temen. Alhamdulillah 3 tahun setelahnya, udah bisa jadi manager di salah satu StartUp Asia. Makasi byk interviewnya @IndoMengglobal indonesiamengglobal.com/2019/07/pengal…

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That's a wrap! If you found this helpful, Repost to share the knowledge with others. Bookmark this post and follow @heyshrutimishra for more.

My learning from watching South Africa vs Israel on ICJ today!

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It’s crazy how the evidence used in ICJ by South African are videos recorded by Israeli themselves. Never in the world we see soldiers committing genocide and proudly sharing this information world wide 🫣

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🚨‼️Never forget that 1 million people died as a result of the US invasion of Iraq, and it as all based on lies.

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Repeat after me: Your rent is the maximum you'll pay. Your mortgage is the minimum you'll pay. Homeowners often trumpet their fixed interest rates but fail to factor in phantom costs like interest, insurance, maintenance, transaction costs, & opportunity cost of down payment

Florida condos reeling with 563% rate increase and massive deductibles. gainesville.com/story/news/loc…

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Nutrition mistakes I made in my 20's that I'm avoiding in my 40's:

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🇮🇱 Emily (9) after she was released by #Hamas: “When she eats, she offers me and everyone first. So she offers me even if I tell her I don’t want. She goes “eat some, for me.” I asked if they (Hamas) suggested eating together & offer food to those more hungry. She nodded yes.”

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"The ideal life would be one where you had a hobby that as a byproduct made you money, you had a hobby that as a byproduct kept you healthy, you had a hobby that as a byproduct made you smarter and more creative." @naval

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THE GODFATHER was released 51 years today. A landmark of American cinema, there's some interesting facts around the making of the film... A THREAD 1/24

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Salsa Erwina Reposted

heaven: extended

Gilaaaaaaa ini, udah 2x tinggal di negara orang, mana ada kebiasaan lokal harus adaptasi sama pendatang. Dimana2 kita pendatang yang menyesuaikan diri, sampe harus belajar bahasa mereka. Usir aja plis hama2 kayak gini suruh pulang kenegaranya!

Sepuluh orang turis asing membuat petisi soal suara kokokan ayam. Mereka merasa terganggu dan keberatan ayam berkokok saat subuh. detik.com/bali/berita/d-…

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Publicly published my "fix your back" guide. This was a Notion doc that I shared with friends, and has an excellent (~80%) success rate at fixing back pain permanently. Hope this will continue to help others! Link below.

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Deep friendships come from giving up ones that don't work for you. A prosperous career begins with giving up diversions & alternatives. Loving relationships occur when giving up incompatible people. A long, healthy life comes from giving up crap that destroys your body. Simple.

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how a person reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life

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oke sudah. 👍

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The older you get, the more you choose calm over chaos, and distance over disrespect. You prioritize your mental health, peace, and happiness — over everything.

I’m grateful that now.. the mean voices in my head almost dissapear. It gets clearer on what I want and can tolerate. Building boundaries seems easier. Seems years of therapy and learning to regulate my minds and emotions is showing result 🥰🥲

Capek ugha hidup struggling mulu 🙃

Momen dimana gw inget satu persatu temen gw yang lucu, ajaib, dan aneh2 itu. Sedih karena udah jauh banget dari mereka dan susah buat mengulang masa itu. Seneng karena seberharga itu memorinya buat gw. I wish all of my friends are fine wherever they are.

We only truly know the value of something when it’s taken away from us. Momen dimana iri banget saat lagi diluar dan liat ada segerembolan temen lagi pada ngakak2, ketawa ketiwi sambil makan bareng. Betapa kangen sama suasana kayak gitu dan sulit banget terulang lagi.


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