Lorne McClinton
@LorneMcInterested in all things ag
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Follow up to my ID fraud incident. You do not want to go through this! While I did not incur a financial loss, I had to replace credit cards, bank card, and get new personal and joint bank accounts. That means resetting all those automatic monthly payments. It's a PITA.
A thought provoking story. Seems remote working in an air conditioned cab but can see a huge issue for outdoor farm workers in horticulture etc. grist.org/food-and-agric…
Landmark victory for the horticultural sector! C-280 passed in the Senate Dec 10/24 @growernews
The moment history was made - decades in the making - fruit and veg growers will now have a workable financial protection tool. Thank you @SenateCA for passing C280 tonight! @OntFruitVeg @FVGC_PFLC @CPMA_ACDFL
This photo I saw online terrifies me. I will never let my occupation (farming, stress, etc.) get in the way of my health physically or mentally like this.
Thanks I learned something new with this post.
There are many unique celebrations across Canada when it comes to the Christmas season. One of the most interesting is Tibb's Eve, which found its way to Newfoundland from Britain and is slowly spreading across the country. Let's learn more :) 🧵1/7
It's amazing how fast the St Lawrence has risen the past 72 hours. Must be 2-3 feet. Expect they've restricted it at the Moses-Saunders dam to refloat that stuck freighter
Is anyone in western Canada harvesting their durum when the kernels are still green for the Freekeh market?
I'm dying laughing. Scotland has a 3D gritter tracker and some of the names are hilarious. Sir David Attenbrrrrr 🤣 Sled Zepplin 🤣
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Patrice Fortier, a seed grower in Kamouraska, Qc, is an international superstar in foodie circles but nearly unknown in the broader ag community. deere.com/en/publication…
With major storms striking with amazing frequency, Canada is steadily working behind the scenes to strengthen its transportation infrastructure to better withstand them. Here's my cover story on this in John Deere's current Furrow edition. deere.com/en/publication…
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China is installing the equivalent of 5 large nuclear power plants worth of solar power every week. abc.net.au/news/science/2…
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