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Mali. Côte d'Ivoire. Feminist/Humanist. Logistics/Supply chain. Tata de Mahdy ❤️ « Pardonne-moi, non selon mes mérites, mais selon ta miséricorde. » Lévine

Joined June 2009
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Lal’la Reposted

If Drake tries to stop Kendrick from performing “Not Like Us”. Kendrick is petty enough to play the instrumental SIT IN A CHAIR and let the entire audience perform for him.

Lal’la Reposted

Le jour vous aurez un être humain de 3kg qui joue à la corde dans votre uterus et appuyant votre vessie, déplaçant certains organes et foutant la rouille chez vos hormones, on en reparlera. Pour le moment regardez les photos de maternité de star pour croire que c’est la vérité 🙄

Lorsque vous êtes enceinte, portez de beaux vêtements, coiffez-vous. Vous êtes enceinte pas folle.

Lal’la Reposted

You people don’t even have monogamy money, ofoduzie polygamy. You just want access to multiple women.

“Polygamy is the best for of marriage in Africa, monogamy is not working, we’re just pretending” - Okey Bakasi

Lal’la Reposted

Les femmes n’expriment pas toujours ce qu’elles pensent, mais davantage ce qu’elles ressentent. Le défi réside dans cette dynamique : entre ce qui est dit sans être ressenti et ce qui est ressenti sans être dit, beaucoup d’amour se perd en silence. Lorsque les émotions prennent…

Lal’la Reposted

this is actually the word for the coming season. My best friend and I were talking about this. If you battle with laziness and procrastination, just start begging God to help you and start mentally preparing to apply yourself like never before.

lowkey afraid of the amount of work I actually need to do next year in pursuing my dreams.

Lal’la Reposted

the older I get the more I realize that you can't tell your friends everything either.

Lal’la Reposted

Doing ghetto ass shit like this while simultaneously having the money to just buy more >>> We gotta keep the culture alive.

It get real serious behind eos body lotion!

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Lal’la Reposted

🇫🇷 FLASH | "Ils me posaient plein de questions sur la religion musulmane" : Soupçonné d’avoir menacé de "rafaler" un restaurant de cuisine israélienne dans le 17e arr. de Paris, la veille du match France-Israël, Younes*, 49 ans, père de quatre enfants, a passé près de trois jours…

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Lal’la Reposted

I saw a TikTok post about the need to work on things people can’t take away from you- your skills, mindset, body, knowledge, character and work ethic because you become unstoppable. So real 👌🏽

Lal’la Reposted

This is what I mean. People genuinely just don’t like women. She’s doing her job extremely well and here comes some bitch who doesn’t even do music just complaining about her existing at work.

Someone should run up to the front and yank this self-serving conductor out of there. She’s ruining it! It’s not all about the conductor; it’s about the music. Let the music take center stage

Lal’la Reposted

the secret to being a private person is to overshare dumb shit so people think you are an open book but then not tell them any of the important details of your life

Lal’la Reposted

just found out my parents send each other reels throughout the day then sit and watch them together at night

Lal’la Reposted

I divorced the husband I prayed and fasted for😭✋🏾

We listen, we don’t judge. Christian edition:

Lal’la Reposted

#Mali-Burkina-Presse- Échange de bons procédés... Le régulateur des médias au Burkina convoque pour le 28/11/ un journal de Ouaga qui a publié un article ironique et critique sur la junte malienne .

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Lal’la Reposted

When someone is drowning, that is not the time to teach them how to swim.

unspoken rules?

Lal’la Reposted

#Mali-Mines-Prison/ D'après mes informations, quatre hauts responsables maliens de la société canadienne Barrick Gold qui exploite des mines d'or au Mali ont été inculpés pour " blanchiment de capitaux" et " atteinte aux biens publics" et mis sous mandat de dépôt le 25/11.

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Lal’la Reposted

I had planned a -three days praying and fasting for a school's admission. On the second day, I received a rejection email and immediately went to eat.

We listen, we don’t judge. Christian edition:

Lal’la Reposted

Ce matin, j’ai perdu ma tante, Zika Walette Mohamadine, épouse de mon oncle Abdoul Salam AG Mohamed Ahmed. Elle est décédée en accouchant, laissant derrière elle un petit garçon. Ne l’oubliez pas dans vos douas. Qu’Allah lui accorde Sa Miséricorde et protège son enfant.

Lal’la Reposted

Je lis l’heure, la vie est dure

Parlons lecture, que lisez vous en ce moment ? #BookChallenge


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