Loic Guillot
@LG_LoicGuillotInserm Researcher #Lungdiseases, #genetics, #innateimmunity, #cysticfibrosis
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📢 Postdoc position available @crow_lab @InstitutImagine to study lung inflammation seen in interferonopathies #SAVI #COPAsyndrome #RareDiseases Do not hesitate to apply! welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/i…
Very honoured and delighted that my LUNG-in project has been funded by the @ANR #ANRJCJC Looking forward to better understanding the lung inflammation seen in interferonopathies @crow_lab @InstitutImagine! #RareDiseases
You want to run antibiotic MICs according to best-practice clinical microbiology protocols, but you are not sure how? Our article will walk you through it all! Great to work with @nikikaderabkova @AyeshaMahmood2 and a pleasure to publish in @npjAMR rdcu.be/dZp04 #AMR
ERJ: This GWAS on 1037 Canadians with CF found two novel loci linked to chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) infection age, along with evidence of a shared polygenic component and a potential causal relationship between chronic Pa infection and lung disease bit.ly/4fcMeFg
Environmental factors and #Pseudomonasaeruginosa #StaphylococcusAureus acquisition in #cysticfibrosis 👏@Julie_mesinele on this great work published @sciReports! 🌍💧 #ClimateChange #Environment @crsa_paris @iplesp @vaincrelamuco for the support nature.com/articles/s4159…
Thrilled to welcome Nicolas @NicoMillet1 to our team @crsa_paris ! After his postdoc at @Swidergall_lab in California, he's now joining us to advance our research on #fungi and #cysticfibrosis. Huge thanks to @vaincrelamuco for their invaluable support!
Free scientific illustrations for biologists! 😍 @NIH has released a library of 500+ free scientific illustrations to create figures, presentations, and illustrations! all freely available in the public domain. Retweet and spread the message! bioart.niaid.nih.gov
Congrats Sylvain Brax @crsa_paris brilliant PhD defense🎉 #septins #pseudomonas #cysticfibrosis🙏to the jury for the high-level discussion Isabelle Cremer Delphyne Descamps Anne-Blanc Potard Romé Voulhoux and Serge Mostowy @MostowyLab Support from @vaincrelamuco @AgenceRecherche
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Dimanche, une vingtaine de membres du centre ont porté haut et fort les couleurs du CRSA au château de Versailles. Au programme: 8 ou 15kms, en marchant ou en courant, de la gadoue, des couronnes, de l'entraide et une jolie médaille à l'arrivée. Bravo! @Sorbonne_Univ_ @Inserm
Happy to share our newly published airway epithelial cell culture dataset in @AJRCMB, now available on #CZCELLxGENE ! Explore the data here: cellxgene.cziscience.com/collections/73… @ElisaRedman @cziscience @humancellatlas
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Happy to present with @HarrietCorvol and Sylvain Brax our latest works in #Boston at #NACFC2024 #pseudomonas #COVID19 #septins thanks @vaincrelamuco and @FaculteSanteSU for funding these projects @crsa_paris @Inserm
🚨 Mark your calendars! The "Trans Mucus Network" symposium is happening from Nov 28-30, 2024, in Lille! This event brings together multidisciplinary expertise. Find the program, registration, and abstract submission details here: transmucusnetwork2024.univ-lille.fr Please share!
Thrilled to announce that we have a postdoctoral position available to join the lab and investigate persistent Shigella infection! Do reach out if interested! Deadline: October 3rd Link: shorturl.at/Ndx6X Please retweet! @kingsmedicine @KCLImmunoMicro
J-7 // J2R Paris 2024 - DL soumission des résumés Mercredi 4 Septembre 2024 minuit Vous êtes en Master 2, Thèse ou Post-Doc, n'hésitez pas à soumettre le résumé de vos travaux : abstracts-j2r.splf.fr/sub/ @SPLF_SocPneumo @ajpo2 @Inserm @CNRS @INRAE_Intl @ERSpublications @FduSouffle
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