@Kunstknopf Profile picture



Psychologist in the making, Artist, ND: kinetic/autistic, she/her, choosing kindness, tweets in German and English

Joined December 2021
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Scientists tricked Allistic study participants into confusing a virtual avatar with their physical body, but the illusion didnt work on Autistic ppl. They knew when they were actually being touched vs not. Psychiatrists: How can we pathologize this ⁉️🤔 newsweek.com/people-autism-…

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

I'm actually glad to see that ethics around autism research is shifting as autistic people have the ability to talk back. Ethics are no longer determined fully behind closed doors. The ability for autistic people to comment, protest, and demand higher standards matters.

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

So when people talk about community leaders I think of her. When people talk about community organizers I think of her. When people talk about community I think of her. She is my model. You don't have to join a group to change someone's life and your community.

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

LEGAL ASSISTANCE NEEDED 🚨 Justin Nazaroff, CEO of @FenixAmmunition, is using my likeness without permission on his products— bullets. The veiled threat is paper thin and not lost on me. My health and safety are at immediate risk. I’m a disability advocate who shares…

pot8um's tweet image. LEGAL ASSISTANCE NEEDED 🚨

Justin Nazaroff, CEO of @FenixAmmunition, is using my likeness without permission on his products— bullets.

The veiled threat is paper thin and not lost on me. My health and safety are at immediate risk.

I’m a disability advocate who shares…

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

As a clinical health psychologist, I notice that many people are using psychological defense mechanisms to downplay the risk of COVID. These are my Top 7 examples: 🧵

michael_hoerger's tweet image. As a clinical health psychologist, I notice that many people are using psychological defense mechanisms to downplay the risk of COVID. 

These are my Top 7 examples:


buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

I think there are some people in my audience who could use a quick history lesson. I believe it will help clarify some important things. Likely most of what you know about "The Irish Potato Famine" is propaganda meant to conceal an intentional genocide.

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

Vorsätzliche Ignoranz: 40 % der Menschen entscheiden sich bewusst dafür, unwissend zu sein Viele unserer Entscheidungen wirken sich auf andere aus. Oft entscheiden sich Menschen dafür, über diese Auswirkungen nicht informiert zu sein, um eigennützige 🧵 #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver

RWittenbrink's tweet image. Vorsätzliche Ignoranz: 40 % der Menschen entscheiden sich bewusst dafür, unwissend zu sein

Viele unserer Entscheidungen wirken sich auf andere aus. Oft entscheiden sich Menschen dafür, über diese Auswirkungen nicht informiert zu sein, um eigennützige 🧵

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

Münchner Kliniken werben für Tragen von Masken bis Ostern Angesichts steigender #Corona-Infektionen animieren Münchner Kliniken freiwillig Masken zu tragen, vor allem in öffentlichen, geschlossenen Räumen - auch angesichts neuer Corona-Varianten, #MaskUp #COVID19 #CleanAir

RWittenbrink's tweet image. Münchner Kliniken werben für Tragen von Masken bis Ostern

Angesichts steigender #Corona-Infektionen animieren Münchner Kliniken freiwillig Masken zu tragen,  vor allem in öffentlichen, geschlossenen Räumen - auch angesichts neuer Corona-Varianten,

#MaskUp #COVID19 #CleanAir

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

I feel like we don’t talk enough about how ineffective the clichè sayings people say when you’re going through it are. Telling me to “be strong!” when I’m feeling weak, isn’t helpful. Telling me to “keep going!” when i feel like giving up, isn’t helpful. We don’t talk about…

Damn. That's accurate. :D

Oh you're both neurodivergent? Which one of you is the wide eyed people pleaser and which one is the grumpy misanthrope with the thousand mile stare

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

»Toleranz wird zum Verbrechen, wenn sie dem Bösen gilt.« Thomas Mann gestorben am 12. August 1955

felix_bohr's tweet image. »Toleranz wird zum Verbrechen, wenn sie dem Bösen gilt.«

Thomas Mann
gestorben am 12. August 1955

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

Someone: *does something horrible to me* Autistic me: No worries! It’s all good! Autistic me to myself a few days later: Woah, that was not ok. I can’t believe I let them get away with that. My delayed processing! Is it too late, inconsistent &/or odd to revoke my “no worries”?

We should turn this around and start following ABA people. Seriously tho, this really gives 'killing them with kindness' a new horrible meaning.

Oh you're both neurodivergent? Which one of you is the wide eyed people pleaser and which one is the grumpy misanthrope with the thousand mile stare

buttons_and_bonkers Reposted

“that’s just something that happens to everyone, it’s not an Autism thing” …the high frequency and intensity at which something happens to an Autistic person is what makes it an Autistic experience, not the fact that other people can sometimes experience it as well


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