这轮牛市的最强金狗DOGGO 现在这个位置无脑冲吧,每天热血沸腾土狗进化变金狗

FZ- Bruce Reposted


FZ- Bruce Reposted

$doggo If we can't kill, we will be stronger in the end.

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FZ- Bruce Reposted

此视频是我们英国留学博士生growing为doggo而创作的完整的叙事性视频,视频中从本轮meme热潮的兴起到meme文化的逻辑到doggo的前世今生以及未来的规划,讲解的非常详细,视野也很开阔,傻狗的家人们有冲推干活的喊单王,有默默付出的P图侠,也有充值信念的大佬,他们都有共同的特点:相信 #doggo

FZ- Bruce Reposted

$DOGGO Our meme is different, buy, buy, buy! #DoggoGoToTheMoon #DoggoArmy #DOGGO #DoggoCtoETH

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FZ- Bruce Reposted

可以看下doggo社区 经历了阴谋集团 2次cto 和doge一样的叙事 Billy起名 社区依然坚挺 #DoggoCtoETH #doggo

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FZ- Bruce Reposted

Elon Musk has made superDoge with an effective government he will manage faster, I'm sure of it. Join the ranks of #Doggo and #Doge, let's make America even stronger @doggoctoeth @dogecoin

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