@ChristosPaizis Profile picture

Christos Paizis


Joined May 2019
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Christos Paizis Reposted

🇫🇷🛶 Paddling Kinematics through Muscle Activation and Whole Body Coordination during Maximal Sprints of Different Durations on a Kayak Ergometer: A Pilot Study mdpi.com/2101836 #mdpiijerph @CepCometti @YoannGarnier @RomuLepers @CyrilSirandre @ChristosPaizis

Christos Paizis Reposted

Très bonne nouvelle pour la Science Ouverte et la communauté @PeerCommunityIn, la 74ème section CNU (Staps) reconnaît les articles recommandés par PCI @PCI_Health_Mov @PCI_Neuro pour la qualifications des doctorants et l'évaluation des enseignants-chercheurs! @ACAPS_asso

We thank 🙏the "Section 74" of the Conseil National des Universités #CNU for their support to Peer Community In and Peer Community Journal @PeerComJournal! #openscience

PeerCommunityIn's tweet image. We thank 🙏the "Section 74" of the Conseil National des Universités #CNU for their support to Peer Community In and Peer Community Journal @PeerComJournal! #openscience

Christos Paizis Reposted

L'échauffement augmente la complexité de la commande nerveuse allant de petites vers de grandes fluctuations (une analyse multifractale de l'EMG). @MSSEonline @CepCometti @NBabault @ChristosPaizis @marion_hit journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abst…

Christos Paizis Reposted

Error-based and reinforcement learning in basketball free throw shooting- Varier les formes d'apprentissage moteur pour une meilleure acqusition et rétention à long terme. Un exemple au lancer-franc au basket researchgate.net/publication/36… @ChristosPaizis @LabCaps_Dijon @ruffino_celia

Christos Paizis Reposted

La position des électrodes (électromyostimulation) n'influence pas la sollicitation des muscles du quadriceps (architecture pour un même niveau de force) @LabCaps_Dijon @NBabault @denisclvieira @DuriganJL doi.org/10.1155/2023/4… via @Hindawi

Christos Paizis Reposted

Ultrasound Imaging of Muscle Architecture and Patellar Tendon in Post-COVID-19 Patients After Moderate or Severe Infection mdpi.com/1966084 #mdpijcm via @JCM_MDPI @RitaMarqueti @DuriganJL @NBabault

Christos Paizis Reposted

New study validating the use of a psychometric scale to record the perception of effort during upper-limb tasks: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…

Christos Paizis Reposted

[new paper online- 🔥💥 hot off the press] Specific modulation of presynaptic and recurrent inhibition of the soleus muscle during lengthening and shortening submaximal and maximal contractions | Journal of Applied Physiology journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.115… @CepCometti @ChristosPaizis

Christos Paizis Reposted

🚨SOCCER INJURY PREVENTION SURVEY 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇵🇹🇬🇷🇫🇷 Soccer players, we need you! What is injury prevention for you? 🤕 Help us spread the survey worldwide 🌍 to as many soccer players as possible ⚽️ 👇 Below the links in 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇵🇹🇬🇷🇫🇷 👇

Christos Paizis Reposted

New paper: different training volumes for MD-1 in soccer Nouvel article: différents volume d'entraînement la veille de match en football mdpi.com/1903560 #mdpiijerph via @IJERPH_MDPI @tom_douchet @ChristosPaizis @NBabault

Christos Paizis Reposted

Endocrine responses (HPA axis, catecholamines, cytokines, growth hormone and prolactin) to: -endurance exercise -high-intensity interval exercise, and -resistance exercise. Free download here: link.springer.com/article/10.100… Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (IF:9.306)

Christos Paizis Reposted

Typical weekly physical periodization in French academy soccer teams: a survey ✍️@tom_douchet @ChristosPaizis @carling_chris Carole Cometti, Nicolas Babault 🔓#OpenAccess🔗termedia.pl/Typical-weekly…

BiolSport's tweet image. Typical weekly physical periodization in French academy soccer teams: a survey
✍️@tom_douchet @ChristosPaizis @carling_chris Carole Cometti, Nicolas Babault
BiolSport's tweet image. Typical weekly physical periodization in French academy soccer teams: a survey
✍️@tom_douchet @ChristosPaizis @carling_chris Carole Cometti, Nicolas Babault
BiolSport's tweet image. Typical weekly physical periodization in French academy soccer teams: a survey
✍️@tom_douchet @ChristosPaizis @carling_chris Carole Cometti, Nicolas Babault

Christos Paizis Reposted

On parle de force, de contraste, de Gilles Cometti et donc du CEP...

French Contrast Method 1. Strength Movement 2. High Force Plyometric 3. Fast Strength Movement 4. High Speed Plyometric 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Christos Paizis Reposted

State of Knowledge on Molecular Adaptations to Exercise in Humans: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions Kaleen M. Lavin et al. Compr Physiol. researchgate.net/publication/35…

ChristophBurch's tweet image. State of Knowledge on Molecular Adaptations to Exercise in Humans: Historical Perspectives and Future Directions

Kaleen M. Lavin et al. Compr Physiol. 

Christos Paizis Reposted

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Adipose Tissue Expansion: The Role of Exercise… pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35283364/

ChristophBurch's tweet image. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Adipose Tissue Expansion: The Role of Exercise…

Christos Paizis Reposted

🤩 Delighted to announce that I will be in São Paulo 🇧🇷 for the @S_C_Society congress We will present two of our recent studies on elite women soccer players performed with @DFCO_Officiel 🔴⚫️

tom_douchet's tweet image. 🤩 Delighted to announce that I will be in São Paulo 🇧🇷 for the @S_C_Society congress

We will present two of our recent studies on elite women soccer players performed with @DFCO_Officiel 🔴⚫️

Christos Paizis Reposted

Cognitive Aging and the Promise of Physical Activity… annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/an…

ChristophBurch's tweet image. Cognitive Aging and the Promise of Physical Activity…


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