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@AnneOMahony Profile picture

Anne O'Mahony


Now retired. Worked with @Concern Worldwide in some of the world's poorest countries since 1982

Joined May 2010
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Anne O'Mahony Reposted
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The President of Ireland has written to the two teams contesting tonight’s @ConcernDebates final, @Hazelwood_drom and @ursulineThurles, with words of encouragement. The debate at @TheHelixDublin will be broadcast on our YouTube channel from 7pm.

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Excellent piece by @Concern on what's needed now in Afghanistan as famine and economic collapse come threaten millions…

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

We were delighted to host the launch of the beautiful book of poetry “Through Your Doors Again” by @osullivancathy1 in Cork ARC recently. We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to Cathy for making #Room4ARC with this dedication. Get your copy at:…

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

“The Irish people have always been incredibly generous . . . the public response to our Ukraine appeal has been amazing. Our job here is to ensure that we channel that support effectively & efficiently to those who need it."…

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Our 4th briefer, @Concern's Amina Abdula in🇰🇪, spoke powerfully on how conflict, #covid19 & climate-induced drought are a recipe for hunger in the Horn of Africa. Conflict creates displacement, destroys farms & livelihoods, & disrupts access to food even when it is available.

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Thank you @jchatterleyCNN and @cnni for speaking with Ros O'Sullivan and hearing about our emergency response to the #UkraineCrisis and #humanitarian needs in our countries of operations! 💚

"The needs are absolutely astronomical." Ros O'Sullivan, Head of Emergency Operations or aid agency @Concern discusses the crisis inside Ukraine, saying it will be months, if not years before Ukrainians can return to their former lives.

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Our thoughts are with the family of Madeline Albright who was our 2018 Woman of Concern honouree in Chicago.A former US Ambassador the UN & the first female Secretary of State in US history @Concern @madeleine

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Turn the sound on for this one. A musical vignette from L'viv railway station in #Ukraine as families evacuate to safer places. Something these kids will remember forever.

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

"People have evacuated with bombs falling around them and seeing things that they will never forget," @Concern's @kjmcconville told @lauracolgannews in today's @IsFearrAnStar from Lviv, #Ukraine.

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

In Kenya, between 80-90% of reservoirs and dams have dried up in its largest county, Turkana, in the northwest. We're responding with water trucking, emergency cash distributions, and increasing the number of mobile medical teams. 📸: @EdR4m

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

“Where drought leads, hunger is never far behind” : 13 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing severe hunger as the region's worst drought in 40 years takes its toll.

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

(2/2) We are currently assessing the impact of the renewed insecurity/political context on our programmes in #Afghanistan and the populations that we have been working with.

Anne O'Mahony Reposted

(1/2)Concern has worked in #Afghanistan for 23 years, since responding to a major earthquake in 1998. Concern remains in the country and are committed to continuing our work with communities as the country goes through this extremely difficult period.

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

After a 10-under par Sunday round at the @EvianChamp, @leona_maguire finished T6 and moves up to No. 50 in the world! #TeamKPMG

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The eclipse in Glasnevin.

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Anne O'Mahony Reposted

Concern Worldwide helped 36.9 million people in 23 of the world's poorest countries in 2020. Read the highlights from our annual report and find out how we did it.

Not sure what this shrub is but looks stunning. In the sunshine today.

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