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Abuammar Adem Muhammad


Human rights defender,Banker

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Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

Glad to see the US government has began pushing for peaceful resolution of the civil war in Oromia. state.gov/secretary-blin…

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

Ethiopia remains a strange country. Oromya has been even more on fire for the last weeks. Not a single official: gvt member, leader of PP Amhara & Oromo branchs, has deigned to made any statement, as if it was a non-event, & more as if to flout citizenship doesn't matter at all.

It is big tragedies

The staggering death toll in the Tigray war has not sunk in. Estimated 383,000 to 600,000 civilians died November 2020 - August 2022. Combatant deaths on all sides start at 250,000 and range up to 600,000 Total deaths: 633,000 - 1.2 million martinplaut.com/2022/11/21/the…

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

The staggering death toll in the Tigray war has not sunk in. Estimated 383,000 to 600,000 civilians died November 2020 - August 2022. Combatant deaths on all sides start at 250,000 and range up to 600,000 Total deaths: 633,000 - 1.2 million martinplaut.com/2022/11/21/the…

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

In the mean time, the conflict and humanitarian disaster in Oromia is getting worse by day. A recent report from OCHA shows 740,000 people have been displaced due to the violence in Western Oromia and adjacent regions. The real number is many fold.

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

The deadly war have been causing massive displacement not only in Western Oromia but also in zones of Central Oromia ( West, South West, North and East Shawa), Ilu Ababor and Guji .

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

It is huge relief to hear that humanitarian assistance has began arriving in Tigray. Let's hope and pray that the parties to the conflict adhere to the peace agreement and implement it swiftly as to ensure unfitted access is expended and sustained.

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

#Ethiopia’s Other War:As peace talks progress in Tigray, tensions are mounting in #Oromia foreignpolicy.com/2022/11/16/eth… Fighting between the Ethiopian army and rebel forces have intensified in recent weeks in Ethiopia’s Oromia region just as [Tigray] peace deal...is being put in place

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

Fano continues its killing spree in Oromia. It killed over 40. Give me one reason why Fano should not be categorised as a terrorist group. It is hypocritical to call OLA terrorist and to let Fano behave as a legitimate security force. reuters.com/world/africa/g…

Abuammar Adem Muhammad Reposted

The only thing that the people of #Tigray can forever be safe from #Ethiopia and #Eritrea Genocide, is to declare independent Tigray country free from Ethiopia and seek international recognition that's it.

وإرهاب المدنيين من الأورومو بشكل عشوائي ، بمن فيهم الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ. فهي تطرد مزارعي ورعاة الأورومو من أراضيهم عن طريق تدمير ونهب ممتلكاتهم. بسبب آرائه المتخلفة والأيديولوجيات غير المقبولة لسيادة أمهرة ، يتسبب نظام أبي في أخطر أزمة إنسانية وانتهاك صارخ لحقوق الإنسان!

ضعوا حداً للإرهاب والمجازر الجماعية التي ترعاها الدولة على أمة أورومو يستخدم نظام أبي طائرات بدون طيار وضربات جوية لارتكاب فظائع وعمليات قتل جماعي واسعة النطاق ضد المدنيين من أورومو. كما يستخدم النظام الإرهابي أمهرة فانو الذي ترعاه الدولة والميليشيات الإقليمية والقوات الخاصة لقتل

The current war in Oromia is clearly against the Oromo people. The regime has been retaliating its defeat against the Oromo Liberation Army by targeting civilians! The daily victims are unarmed civilians: mothers & children! @Reuters #OromoVoice #EndStateTerrorAgainstOromo

‘Why is the #UN silent on ethnic violence in #Ethiopia's tense #Oromia region?’ VCA NEWS LONDON asks for 45+ million Oromos. twitter.com/vcanews_uk/sta… @amnestyusa @hrw @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC @AmnestyEARO @CNNAfrica #EndStateTerrorAgainstOromo

#BREAKING #LONDON VCA #NEWS Exclusive Report, Why is the #UN silent on ethnic violence in #Ethiopia's tense #Oromia region? , #POTUS #EU #UnitedNations

لأن نبيكم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم علمكم قضاياالأنسان وترك فيكم كتاب الله وسنة نبيه صلى الله عليه وسلم وفيهما أمور الدنيا والدين ومع هذا كيف تموت نفس الأنسان فى سجونكم بالجوع والمرض والعري أليس من عادتكم ومكارم أخلاقكم المحمودة!!!رسالة الى الخادم الحرمين الشريفين,محمد بن سلمان

أيها الملك اختارك الله لتكون خادما لهذه البلاد المقدسة مهبط الوحي على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وبارك عليه الذي شهد لبلاد الحبشة العدل وقال فيها يعنى (الحبشة) ملكا لايظلم عنده أحد وقال أيضا ( الأذان في الحبشة )أيها الملك رفقا لأبناء هذه البلاد لأنكم تعرفون العدل وحقوق الإنسان


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