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Let's go! 3 bn is to achieve this year. May Allah give us strength and bless us. 🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪

The resignation was not a surprise. It's only a matter of time. Either one quits or the company won't continue the employment. It's just not in a good and proper way.

Zendhiastara Reposted

The longer your holding period, the… - lower your risk of loss - lower your anxiety - fewer mistakes you’ll make And the longer your holding period, the… - higher your potential upside - less any single year will matter - more you’ll learn about business

I should avoid it. It is not good for (mental) health. Lol.

There are multiple contacts and chat groups that i considered to be muted "always". And i added another contact and chat group to be silenced. ~~

Zendhiastara Reposted

Personal finance is 80% discipline and 20% math Health is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise Good communication is 80% listening and 20% talking Intelligence is 80% comprehension and 20% reading Success is 80% working and 20% goals Happiness is 80% appreciation and 20% purpose

The previous one was more like exhausted, but this time is himdeuro-yo. ~~

Thank you and sorry at the same time.

The most disappointing moment when you join a competition is when you lose and you make more mistakes or you don't do your best.

Just get annoyed. Full stop.

There is file in my computer named "written when i get annoyed". Wanna open it up but too lazy to move. Halah

You said what i did was right. But then blaming that it was wrong and gave an advice. At the end give an amount of money which crosses your mind. -.- I need to have my hair cut lah lok gini ini.

For the first time in forever,

You replied fast, but then Ignore. -.-

I found a lie. I knew it from the beginning.

Zendhiastara Reposted

Gending Alas Mayit (Radio Tengah Malam) Part 4 - Tabuh Waturingin Ada Baiknya sebelum membaca part ini selesain baca Imah Leuweung dan Radio Tengah malam dulu ya.. atau mampir di podcast @bagihorror @bacahorror @IDN_Horor @malam_kisah @HorrorTweetID @horrornesia @ceritaht

Zendhiastara Reposted

IMAH LEUWEUNG #bacahorror @bacahorror @IDN_Horor #imahleuweung #ceritahorror Versi podcastnya di podcast @bagihorror

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Zendhiastara Reposted

Garis Waktu COVID 5 hari sebelum sakit: Virus terhirup 2 hari sebelum sakit: Anda menular! Hari 0-5: Gejala pertama berkembang Hari 5-10: Gejala memburuk Hari 11 dan seterusnya: Anda tidak menular. Akhiri isolasi Hari 15: Sebagian besar pasien sembuh

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Zendhiastara Reposted

Beberapa skill digital penting: - video editing - graphic design - layout presentation - riset trend & keyword - buat web - dan banyak lagi Berikut kumpulan website sederhana yang bisa bantu ngerjain urusan digital di atas. Cek cek ~

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