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Ja disa privilegje te gruas ne Kosove: 1. Paguajn me pak per hyrjet ne klub nate 2. Kane kuote ne parlament 3. Kane kuote ne pozita zyrtare 4. Kane pushim me te gjate pas lindjes se femijut 5. Kursehen nga punet fizike qysh nga femijeria
Himni i shqiptarve eshte i vjedhur nga nje kenge folklorike romune.
Ku mbet Filanja ne kete ekuacion?
Më mirë Armend Rexhepagiqi që nuk ka dashur me pasë fëmijë se Filani që i ka vargu 3, 4 e 5 dhe nuk është në gjendje me u'a siguru kushtet elementare për jetë. Bon fmi, rreh, torturo familjen, dhe në fund fshehu pas petkut të familjarit, kjo eshte strategjia e shume shpellarëve
Nuk pe di pse po qaravesheni. Nona ashtu kshtu gjithe u kone prindi 2, dmth kurre su vet n'shpi. Tash veç qe e kane ndryshu per me i akomodu ciftet gej, po e kundershtoni.
Emni i Nanës e i Babës nuk mundet asnjiherë me u ndryshu me “Prindi 1”, “Prindi 2”. Shkolla “Elena Gjika”...dështim. #epapranueshme #tendencioze
Serbian man (23) lives forever happy after finding out he is Albanian.
Te nona nuk ka jetu. Veç baba ka faj.
Ka jetu te baba e mbyllun, me menxi qe e ka kry shkollen fillore. U martu, burri e ka lon te mbyllun, asnje fjale Anglisht as Gjermanisht, qe sa vjet ne Austri! Burri i ka vdek e sot djali, ju eshte rrezu prej trotineti, tu vjell, e veç flejt po i rrin. As patent shofer.
Ty po t'pengon veshja. Mu po m'pengon harmonika. Na nuk jena te njejt.
kshtu po ju kallxoj drejt marre pom vjen mu ul me tshpis me kqyr emisione prime time me “prezantuse” qe nuk e kane as shkollen per ket pune edhe dalin me ket lloj veshje si mu nis per plazh e mu nal rruges me bo emision. skandaloze. i just want kafeneja jone back bro thats all
LET'S DEBUNK FOREIGN ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA 🚨 Sot 25 vjet mas luftes jane 800 xhamia, dmth 800 hoxhallar maximum. Sot 25 vjet mas luftes jane gjithashtu 60.000 veteran. Nese krejt hoxhallart kane luftu (hajde rren), i bjen 800 ne 60k, dmth 1.3% Tash ju po pritni prej neve me…
A thu qa kan me than perkrahesit e Grupit "Shqiptar" te Deçanit?
Ka pas stres para kamerave, se te partia gjithe mire i zgjidh.
#Kosovo PM, Albin Kurti apologizes to a primary school students after getting wrong a math equation, during a visit in Podujevë. "Surely, I would not pass if I'd be the student", he wrote.
Une i kom dy fmi ne Belgjike dhe ky post eshte arsyeja qe tash do te angazhohem per t'i marr keto shtesa ne Kosove.
S'ish dashte me pase nevoje me ju bo kjo thirrje. Krejt veren shllajfa te kafet e vogela e kah mos me Lamborghini Urus, e kur kthehen ne shpi, direkt aplikim per shtesat e femijeve 🤦🏻♂️
Wait until he finds out Albanian national anthem is a Romanian folk song.
Wait until he finds out who wrote the first Turkish dictionary and the Turkish national anthym.
Successfully achieved fascism* If you publicly tap your shoulders for making it illegal for some entities to broadcast media, then you are trash.
We as civil society achieved some results with our advocacy during this process by removing the proposed change, which would allow political parties and religious organisations to open media outlets. However, this is no success either for civil society or the ruling party...
Albin Kurti has #EU and #US where he exactly wants,... accidentally. He can not unify #Kosovo with #Albania, but he can work hard to consolidate the Republic 🇽🇰. Which ironically will lead EU and US to destabilizing statements => chaos on the ground => revive his unification…
Kosovo: police operation in the north on dinar: 👉 is escalatory 👉 goes against the spirit of normalisation 👉 jeopardises the ongoing negotiations 👉 proves again that 🇽🇰 authorities prioritise unilateral & uncoordinated actions rather than cooperation…
1/5 Ms Schifanelli, you know who else was excellent in math? Little German kids under Nazi Germany. So much so that it was German Nazi scientists that helped send first Americans to the Moon. The similarities with Serbian education system don't end here, and you know that.
Reagimet për dinarin, Haradinaj: Euro si valutë e vetme përdoret edhe në Mal të Zi, 28% e popullatës janë serb dhe asgjë nuk e pengon zhvillimin e jetës së tyre…
This is Incredible. An eagle's view as it soars through the sky. 🦅
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Who to follow
Qendra e Shqiptarise
@shqiptarise -
Sali Rexhaj
@sali_rexhaj -
ShënMëhilli 🇦🇱
@ShenMehilli -
Mia Dautaj
@MiaDautaj -
MSc.Agim Aliçkaj
@AgimAlickaj -
Wolf of Kosova 🇽🇰🇦🇱
@theFWolf14 -
@classicgoni -
@fubarfortytwo -
Shpend Shala
@ShpendShala14 -
@Xhemaili9 -
Ditka Dog de Kosovo
@DitkaDog -
Afrim Dervishaj
@afrimdervishaj1 -
Florian Lushaj
@florianlushaj1 -
@dd_driton -
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