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teacherll bunda hebatll paud hebat

Joined January 2012
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yechyarmaiya Reposted

The best & most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart. -Helen Keller

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Be the type of man you'd want your daughter to date.

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?

yechyarmaiya Reposted

The moment you started doubting yourself is the moment you started losing.


Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?

pou.me #Pou Achievement Unlocked: Eat for 1st time ^_^ @PouAlien

yechyarmaiya Reposted

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Kamu bukanlah kepingan masa lalu, tapi wanita yang mempersiapkan dirinya untuk kisah cinta indah di masa depan.

yechyarmaiya Reposted

sudah tembus 3000 rituit... ayoo yang belum kasih goceng yah :)) http://t.co/HYfZmarTmT

Tweet Image 1

yechyarmaiya Reposted

ingat jangan biasain gunakan broadcast utk ucapin selamat idul fitri di BBM/SMS/WA yah.. insya Allah lo bakal jadi orang "spesial"

yechyarmaiya Reposted

yang masih demen ucapin minta maaf pake broadcast insya Allah Rejekinya juga dikasih rombongan.. 😀 sukur2 kebagian pula

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Waktu terus berjalan, belajarlah dari masa lalu, bersiaplah tuk masa depan, berikanlah yg terbaik untuk hari ini.

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Boys, before you get a girlfriend, first you need to GET A LIFE!

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Tanpa baju → Kita malu → Tanpa Media sosial → Kita bosan → Tanpa Orangtua → Kita takkan ada di dunia ini → Tanpa Allah → We're nothing

Sunday: Ekspektasi: jalan2,nonton tipi, santai aduhai Realita:nyapu,ngepel,nyuci,nyetrika -__-'

yechyarmaiya Reposted

Hiruk pikuk keadaan negara kita jangan hanya jadi bahan obrolan tapi jadi bahan evaluasi diri, kelakuan kita mirip yg mana ?

United States Trends

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