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; it's me , myself and I

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Dont trust me if im seems okay , cause i love to pretend

hey jangan jadi bodoe sangat bole tak

wdynnho Reposted


Korang suka join live sebab apa? 1. Suka orang tu 2. Nak belajar something 3. Nak tahu drama 4. Saje nak berborak 5. Informative

wdynnho Reposted

call pakai ws ke pakai credit ke, that’s not a problem pun. As long as your partner makes an effort to spend time with you, that’s enough.

wdynnho Reposted

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Anak Yatim Anak yatim sampai pukul 4, tunggu sampai berbuka. VIP sampai 6.30, ambil gambar sampai berbuka. Siapa raikan siapa?

wdynnho Reposted

For me, I don't like to wait. If you're busy then tell me. Don't keep me waiting for your text.

wdynnho Reposted

I don’t need a man to text me 24/7. I just need communication. You’re busy? Fine. Lemme know. Going out with the boys? Have fun & be safe. Need some space? Cool. I’m here if you need me. Just keep me around and give me attention when you can.

wdynnho Reposted

(1/10) Kematian yang dicemburui kerana sifat dermawan dan pemurah arwah. Perginya di bulan mulia.. Perginya di jalan Allah,menuju ke Pondok utk menunaikan kewajipan zakat.. Baru pulang menunaikan umrah.. Baru shj brbuka puasa bersama anak2 yg dikasihi Nabi S.A.W anak2 yatim..

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wdynnho Reposted

Never found stable financial before married in Quran or Hadith but what I know that the marriage can bring financial stable. Marriage is about commitment and only people who commit to it will know how to 'stable' the financial.

Korang suka join live sebab apa? 1. Suka orang tu 2. Nak belajar something 3. Nak tahu drama 4. Saje nak berborak 5. Informative

wdynnho Reposted

Beruntung orang yang meninggal dunia dibulan ramadhan yang mulia . Al-fatihah .

wdynnho Reposted

orang yang suka pendam ni bahaya bila terlampau banyak sangat dia makan hati, tapi bila satu hari nanti dia meletup, semua benda dia akan ungkit balik masa tu baru kau tau pedihnya apa yang dia simpan selama ni

wdynnho Reposted

Lelaki yang ada misai ni handsome tau serious

wdynnho Reposted

aku tak paham how tf girls pakai tudung then pakai baju tuck-in??? and nampak your v-shape???


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