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On Viral Memories we take a look back at good memories and good times. Hope you enjoy our tweets.

Joined November 2015
Viralmemories Reposted

In the #1950s it was assumed that we would have flying cars. What happened to that vision?

RetroCoast's tweet image. In the #1950s it was assumed that we would have flying cars. What happened to that vision?

Viralmemories Reposted

The gas-turbine powered @GM #Firebird III from the jet age of the #1950s

QuirkyRides's tweet image. The gas-turbine powered @GM #Firebird III from the jet age of the #1950s

My parents give me produce from their small organic farm wh... uberhumor.com/my-parents-giv… | twibble.io

viralmemory's tweet image. My parents give me produce from their small organic farm wh... uberhumor.com/my-parents-giv… | twibble.io

Viralmemories Reposted

Teaser for new #StarTrek TV show zooms through planets, reveals golden, worn classic logo: "New crew, new heroes, new villains, new worlds."

Panda create trouble as staff cleans their house uberhumor.com/panda-create-t… | twibble.io

viralmemory's tweet image. Panda create trouble as staff cleans their house uberhumor.com/panda-create-t… | twibble.io

Shining a laser through tea makes the beam visible in it. uberhumor.com/shining-a-lase… | twibble.io

viralmemory's tweet image. Shining a laser through tea makes the beam visible in it. uberhumor.com/shining-a-lase… | twibble.io

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