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Vigi Caraka


The goal is to be wise & wealthy

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Vigi Caraka Reposted

IMHO: Uda paling bener ini platform buat posting kegagalan sama nasib apes aja. Sama marah marah nda jelas. Jangan buat berbagi kisah sukses atau self reward apalagi sekarang jaman makin susah. Hidup makin berat. Banya yang liat orang seneng antara jadi emosy atau dengky. 😂

It affects all kinds of personal relationships, we lose the genuine connections that come from simply appreciating them. True relationships thrive on mutual respect and empathy, not just transactional gain.

You know why your dating life sucks? It's because you're dating out of survival. You see a person through cost-benefit analysis. It alienates the idea of love and you end up treat other people based on what they can do to benefit you.

Vigi Caraka Reposted

Life is suffering. The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to find something that sustains you in spite of suffering.

Higher volatility means bigger price swings in both directions. For a call option, an upward swing could push the underlying asset’s price above the strike price, leading to potentially unlimited gains for the holder. On a downward swing, the max loss is just the premium paid.

Intern Derivatives Interview Q: (If I had a satoshi every time a candidate failed this, I'd be a billionaire) "w/o using any math, explain why the value of a call option increases when the underlying asset's volatility rises"

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Vigi Caraka Reposted

Inverse Cramer is beating Pelosi in the market 🤣

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Vigi Caraka Reposted

Can't believe I paid a quarter mill for a degree just to tell my friends "buy the S&P" when they ask for financial advice

I understand that GPT is essentially an overhyped text prediction model, yet it often seems as though it genuinely possesses knowledge.

Vigi Caraka Reposted

Poin saya adalah 1. "masyarakat yg ga hobi baca jangan dinormalisasi" 2. "baca jangan jadi aktivitas keren2an apalagi eksklusif di akademisi" 3. "Baca komik juga baca, ga usah ada dikotomi komik, grafik novel, novel, sastra. Yg penting baca"

Kadang aneh banyak org mempermasalahkan keluarga mulyono ga hobi baca, sementara masyarakat kita emang ga suka baca. Termasuk yg berpendidikan S1 dan punya posisi manajerial.

Belgia vs indo, mana ayo yg mati duluan. Tapi define mati yg gimana dulu.

Udah bosen gue ngomong topik ini. Let me just say this straight and bluntly: Indonesia is a dying country. I said that to my Belgian colleague yesterday when asked whether I will return to Indonesia after I finish my stuff here.

Vigi Caraka Reposted

If headgear were an Olympic sport Indonesia and the Catholic Church would both win a medal.

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Si paling master mind padahal cuma hindsight bias

Tuntutan aksi gagal: "Apa gw bilang? Bubble aja sih org2 twitter ini, ga napak, halu sendiri. Tuntutan aksi berhasil: "PeDe amat lu pada? Pancingannya lu makan. Emang udah diputusin sih. Mainan tingkat tinggi nih" Belagak jadi mastermind gini tuh masuk penyakit kejiwaan sih.

Vigi Caraka Reposted

𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐤𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟 #𝐔𝐔𝐏𝟐𝐒𝐊 𝗔. 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗻𝗴 - Alasan dibuat #UUP2SK: [1] pembiayaan dari bank terlalu dominan dibanding instrumen lain; [2] rendahnya masyarakat yang investasi di pasar modal dan obligasi; [3] terbatasnya instrumen…

Vigi Caraka Reposted

This, and Disney Star Wars, and all of modern Hollywood, and all of Manhattan tradpub, can be explained with one simple idea. And no, it isn't "Satan". No religious suppositions are required. What's going on here is venial, and even more depraved. Narcissism. You see, there…

Far-left extremists hijack the Olympics:

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Jelas telur lah. Pertanyaannya gak spesifik telur yg dimaksud itu telur ayam.

Memang sebenernya harus di pecahkan sih sebenernya duluan ayam apa telur, agar nantinya tidak terjadi hal hal semacam ini lagi.

Vigi Caraka Reposted

gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek gdocs jelek

Ngga usah jauh-jauh lah pake github. Mahasiswa jaman sekarang diminta pake Google Docs aja masih maunya pada pake Microsoft Office. Mending kalo nyambung One Drive dan otomatis update, ini mah masih dikirim ke temen pake nama file: dokumen-revisi-final-fix.docx

Terima kasih atas perkenan Bapak Heker 🙏

Ransomware gang Brain Cipher announced they'll release decryption keys for free this Wednesday. They emphasized the need for cybersecurity funding and specialists. Apologies to Indonesia for the disruption. They request public acknowledgment of their decision.

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Vigi Caraka Reposted

No, because a literal interpretation of this passage is again incorrect, writes Thomas Aquinas. The point is readiness to meet aggression without being consumed by hatred. We remain always self-controlled. We keep the sword sheathed until it can no longer remain so.

Emang dah paling bener kalo buka twitter stay di tab following aja

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