@tiatisna792 Profile picture



Do not want to breathe!

Joined March 2015
Baek Reposted

EXO's Baekhyun thanks fans for giving them #1 for 'Love Me Right' allkpop.com/article/2015/0… http://t.co/T33oTS5GIK

allkpop's tweet image. EXO's Baekhyun thanks fans for giving them #1 for 'Love Me Right'
<a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/94tdcmDyAL">allkpop.com/article/2015/0…</a> http://t.co/T33oTS5GIK

Baek Reposted

Kalo gak bisa nepatin, ya jangan ngejanjiin.

I don't care-_-

With madam♥ http://t.co/IozzuldSNH

tiatisna792's tweet image. With madam♥ http://t.co/IozzuldSNH

Wks~ http://t.co/KFQpJRv5BK

tiatisna792's tweet image. Wks~ http://t.co/KFQpJRv5BK

Oh God, how much longer I have to be like this?I was tired, if it continues like this. stop http://t.co/k2nLJpRhMK

tiatisna792's tweet image. Oh God, how much longer I have to be like this?I was tired, if it continues like this. stop http://t.co/k2nLJpRhMK

<3 http://t.co/ro8AbxgJ62

tiatisna792's tweet image. &lt;3 http://t.co/ro8AbxgJ62

I miss you dad:( http://t.co/ysDcupvlj3

tiatisna792's tweet image. I miss you dad:( http://t.co/ysDcupvlj3

only you, and indeed you, and ultimately you, who is always there for me:)

Baek Reposted

Sekarang agak gampang gitu ya ngebedain mana temen yg munafik, mana temen yg nongol pas ada maunya doang, sama temen yang bener2 temen. :)

Baek Reposted

Jangan samain gue sm orang2 yang pernah deket sm lo, gue bisa ngebahagiain lo dgn cara gue sendiri. :)?

Tak ada lagi yang bisa aku katakan selain kata Aku sayang ayah dan AKU RINDU AYAH

Baek Reposted

Ada saatnya gue ngalah, ada saatnya gue diem, ada saatnya gue bertahan, ada saatnya gue bener2 ngejauh & bisa ngelupain semuanya.

Do not wait to lose it comes, then we realized the meaning of one’s father.

The father is the one who loves us in silence

I don’t know what to do now that we’re apart. I don’t know how to live without the other half of my heart. http://t.co/WmT27mbP2P

tiatisna792's tweet image. I don’t know what to do now that we’re apart. I don’t know how to live without the other half of my heart. http://t.co/WmT27mbP2P

Lo itu gak jauh dri SAMPAH!! http://t.co/D5bStehUWO

tiatisna792's tweet image. Lo itu gak jauh dri SAMPAH!! http://t.co/D5bStehUWO

Everything will be fine in time

I miss the atmosphere of the house first:')

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