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Maksum H. Rofik


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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Momen foto perpisahan Jurgen Klopp dengan staff Liverpool

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Follow-up tweet saya sebelumnya, terimakasih kepada @beacukaiRI, Pak @prastow yang segera menyampaikan kepada saya tentang pokok permasalahan dimana dijelaskan tidak ada pungutan bea cukai sama sekali yang dikenakan pada proses penerimaan jenazah dari luar negeri. (1)

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Jadi jgn heran kenapa usaha zending memisahkan Jawa dgn Islam sebesar & sesistematis itu Perang Jawa sgt traumatis buat Belanda. Melihat kekuatan umat bersatu di bawah Pangeran Diponegoro, tentara mereka gugur lbh banyak daripada perang Napoleon & menghabiskan 20 juta gulden.

#Bagongiyah Peninggalan kolonial Belanda akibat trauma Perang Sabil melawan Pangeran Diponegoro, adalah PEMISAHAN JAWA DENGAN ISLAM. Kalau sampeyan muslim, brarti sudah bukan Jawa. Kalau sampeyan Jawa, maka gak mungkin jadi muslim sejati Ini masih lestari hingga hari ini

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Wataru Endo vs. Man City 96% Pass accuracy 1 Chance created 6/7 Duels won 4/4 Tackles won 2 Interceptions 6 Recoveries The best 6 in the world might have played at Anfield today but he wasn't the best 6 on the pitch. Another sensational Endo performance.

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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

This might be my favourite video ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂

From Matthew

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Menyala abangku 🔥 Mari saksikan momen ketika oposisi kompak mencecar PM Inggris, Rishi Sunak yang terus menerus membela penjajah Israel walaupun berulang kali melakukan kejahatan perang dan genosida terhadap rakyat Palestina di Gaza. Bagian akhir yang paling panas..

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Liverpool fans looking for Arsenal and Man United on the league table twitter.com/bggfchj/status…

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

According to @Israel, destroying residential properties is “self-defense”🇮🇱 Millions of Palestinian civilians are now HOMELESS due to Israeli TERRORISM! 🚨🚨🚨

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Israel told them to go to South Gaza, then bombed them along the way. Israel told them they can take the wounded from Al Shifaa hospital to Rafah, then bombed the ambulances just an hour ago adding hundreds to the death toll. This is a new level of savagery, and US Sec of State…

A massacre... #Israeli warplanes bombarded a family, which was heading south through the beach road in #Gaza. Israel's military has been calling Gazans to head south claiming it would be safer for them there.

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Israel deliberately bombing Gaza's largest refugee camp, even if a Hamas commander was there, is outrageous and indefensible.

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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

🇵🇸 If an Palestinian takes a settler hostage, it's “TERRORISM.” 🇮🇱 If an Israeli kills 3,000 children, it's “SELF-DEFENSE.” Make it make sense…

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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

🚨🌎 Countries that recognize PALESTINE as a state, and DO NOT recognize ISRAEL’S STATEHOOD: 🇨🇺 Cuba 🇳🇮 Nicaragua 🇧🇴 Bolivia 🇻🇪 Venezuela 🇲🇦 Morocco 🇩🇿 Algeria 🇲🇷 Mauritania 🇲🇱 Mali 🇬🇳 Guinea 🇳🇪 Niger 🇹🇳 Tunisia 🇱🇾 Libya 🇹🇩 Chad 🇸🇩 Sudan 🇸🇴 Somalia 🇾🇪 Yemen 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia 🇴🇲…

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Direktur kantor PBB di New York mengundurkan diri, setelah 30 tahun bekerja di organisasi tersebut, karena penanganan PBB terhadap genosida warga Palestina saat ini. Keseluruhan surat pengunduran dirinya perlu dibaca, tetapi halaman pertama ini menarik #SahabatPalestina_ID

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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Kami pernah ditawari uang dengan syarat kami harus berhenti mempublikasikan buku "Mengapa Palestina Gagal Merdeka?" dan mencabut ISBN-nya. Ternyata memang seefektif itu media sosial dalam memperjuangkan sebuah isu. Semangat bagi media yang tetap idealis dengan visi misinya!

wkwkwkkwkw lu gak berkewajiban buat ngepost / bahas apapun tentang konflik palestina & israel. lu diem juga gapapa tapi kalo lu sampe ngomong “a post won’t help” ya lucu sie.. lu ngepost nyinyirin bininya mantan lu aja ribuan orang bisa turun tangan ikutan ngehujat 😭

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israel’s President claims there are “no innocents” in the Gaza Strip. Keep in mind, 44% of Gaza’s population of 2 MILLION civilians are 14 years old or younger.

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

The first videos from Gaza after Israel’s blackout shows Palestinians forced to drink seawater and using phones to find thousands trapped under rubble. Relentless strikes have killed over 8,000 people.

Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

Gaza is an “unlivable open-air prison.” What does that mean? Sara Roy: “In the rest of the world we try to bring people up to the humanitarian standard. Gaza is the only place where we [Israel] are trying to push them down — to keep them at the lowest possible indicators.” 1/13

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Maksum H. Rofik Reposted

poin Konferensi Pers Menkeu SMI dan Menteri @mohmahfudmd: 1. data yang disampaikan PPATK ke Menkeu/Kemenkeu tidak sama dengan yang disampaikan ke Pak Mahfud MD 3. atas informasi dari PPATK, Itjen Kemenkeu telah mengambil tindakan.

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