sparkthisway's profile picture. Aspirante Olga Fernando  🇬🇧 🇷🇺 🇪🇸

[All the freaks are outside. And I locked the fucking doors. †]

Lady Gaga follows me and so should you.



Aspirante Olga Fernando 🇬🇧 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 [All the freaks are outside. And I locked the fucking doors. †] Lady Gaga follows me and so should you.

Joined April 2010
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gagadaily's tweet image. Lady Gaga’s former NYU classmate Carly Waddell says she wasn’t a fan of her because she was too extra and would belt songs from Wicked “at the top of her lungs” during lunchtime:

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Released in 2013 and following the iconic 'Born This Way,' @LadyGaga's 'ARTPOP' took admirable leaps in genre, style and presentation. Revisit the album that interweaved music, fashion, technology, and digital art. 💿 ⤵️…

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⚠️🔄 Ragazzi mi dareste una mano con un RT? Cerco una singola a Bologna a partire da settembre, possibilmente non troppo lontana dalla zona universitaria e possibilmente a prezzi non troppo vertiginosi 🌚 Love me, love me, please retweet! 💃🏻🔄⚠️

Adoro i gechi albini che ti rimuovono da instagram. Escono di casa da soli, senza che nemmeno tu debba prendere in mano la scopa.


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