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Politici, gaan jullie zorgen voor onderdak, onderwijs en zorg voor mensen op de vlucht? #ikbeloof #sosmoria

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SOS_Moria Reposted

Wethouder Victor Everhardt steekt in deze video de Amsterdamse ondernemers een hart onder de riem. Heel veel sterkte de komende tijd en houd vol! amsterdam.nl/ondernemen/nie…

SOS_Moria Reposted

Het kabinet is bezig om ‘zo spoedig mogelijk’ onze tolken in veiligheid te brengen. Bij de rest van de beroepen (oa beveiligers) blijft NL ‘terughoudend’. Een spijkerhard besluit dat veel Afghanen die voor ons hebben gewerkt in levensgevaar brengt👇🏽 volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achterg…

SOS_Moria Reposted

Tel hier de tragedie met de tolken bij op en je hebt de definitie van moreel faillissement.

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SOS_Moria Reposted

Mijn Kamervragen over het terugsturen van asielzoekers naar Afghanistan n.a.v. de verslechterde situatie zijn nog niet beantwoord. Inmiddels blijkt dat zes EU-landen, waaronder NL, mensen willen blijven uitzetten naar Afghanistan. Zorgelijke ontwikkeling.trouw.nl/buitenland/ned…

SOS_Moria Reposted

Deze week in @EsquireNL "In Shadow Game liften we mee in de rugzak van piepjonge gasten". Artikel van Sander Koreman over Shadow Game. esquire.com/nl/mantertainm… #shadowgame

SOS_Moria Reposted

How can our governments send people back to a war where children are target of killing every day? We can not stop this killing and terrorist attacks, but we can protect ALL Afghans who are here in our countries today. This is the least that our governments can contribute.

SOS_Moria Reposted

#ContestofShame, Category 1: "Frontier landscapes" This family spent several nights outside after being pushed back by Croatian border police. (Fall 2020) #ContestofShame #StopFrontex

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SOS_Moria Reposted

The winner in the cynical category "a helping hand at the border" of @Frontex ' photo #contestofshame shows 2 guards helping each other cross a river - how ironic! How is it that the same hand reaches out or pushes back according to citizenship, @vonderleyen & @EU_Commission ?

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SOS_Moria Reposted

With their infamous photo competition, @Frontex seeks to stage hostile borderscapes as symbol of European unity and collaboration, "a helping hand on the border," they write. Join us this Sunday to take over the award ceremony! #contestofshame #EuropeDay europemustact.org/post/ngos-laun…

While being investigated for illegally pushing back refugees, Frontex organized a photo competition, with different categories such as ‘A helping hand at the border’. All over Europe refugees face severe violence. Like Mustafa, who was tortured in Croatia.

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SOS_Moria Reposted

All over Europe fences have gone up. Seeking asylum, a basic human right, has become almost impossible. To celebrate ‘Europe Day’, Frontex organized a photo competition, with different categories such as 'Frontier landscapes.' #Frontex #EuropeDay #Protectchildrenonthemovie

Happy Europe Day #phototakeover - the story of Mohammed fb.watch/5ns4Z8dCsS/ via @FacebookWatch

SOS_Moria Reposted

Preise für Pushbacks? Heute, am #EuropeDay, veranstaltet #Frontex einen Fotowettbewerb! Was die hübschen Bilder nicht zeigen: Pushbacks sind eine dunkle und beunruhigende Realität. Wo sind die Werte der EU? Wir fordern #Europa auf, für seine Werte einzutreten! @frontex

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SOS_Moria Reposted

Prizes for pushbacks? For #EuropeDay, @Frontex are running a photo competition! But under these pictures, pushbacks are a dark & violent reality. Where are "EU values"? Civil society groups are calling on Europe to #EndPushbacks. #contestofshame #StopFrontex #FutureofEurope

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SOS_Moria Reposted

Today is #EuropeDay and @Frontex celebrates it with a photo contest about their work at the borders. But pretty pictures cannot cover up human rights abuse, violent & deadly pushbacks, military-like surveillance & detention! This is the reality. #contestofshame #PictureOfTheDay

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😃 Smile! 😃 Frontex organized a photo competition.“I𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠? A border guard took Mohammeds picture 14, Syria and asked him to smile. He cried. #Frontex #EuropeDay @shadowgamefilm

SOS_Moria Reposted

Frontex organized a photo competition to ‘celebrate peace and unity across the EU’. We have some suggestions: violent border guards, minefields and meter-high fences, Frontex helping illegal push backs in the middle of the sea. #Frontex #EuropeDay #EuropeDay2021

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