𝕰𝖗𝖎𝖈 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓
@sociopath_godrp.oc. — дождь нᴇ ʍожᴇᴛ идᴛи ʙᴇчно.
""ᴩᴀньɯᴇ ʙᴇᴩиᴧи, чᴛо, ᴋоᴦдᴀ чᴇᴧоʙᴇᴋ уʍиᴩᴀᴇᴛ, ʙоᴩон оᴛноᴄиᴛ ᴇᴦо дуɯу ʙ ᴄᴛᴩᴀну ʍёᴩᴛʙых. чᴛо ж, ʙ ʍоёʍ ᴄᴧучᴀᴇ ϶ᴛо ᴨᴩоизоɯᴧо нᴇ ᴄоʙᴄᴇʍ ᴛᴀᴋ..." —чиста или запятнана грехами душа твоя, дорогой мой незнакомец?
— Worse? In what sense? — the fervor has subsided a little, Eric looks at Sid with a blank expression. — I did not understand. So can this vaccine help you in any way, or is this just another medical shit?
“I…i endured all that before, now hoping that improved vaccine would be a bit better but their improvements made it worse, I didn’t expect that!” he bursts into a scream unintentionally and calms down again. “Sorry.”
Ed blinks dumbly, not immediately getting the point of what's being said. He stares wide-eyed in disbelief at the capsule he's been holding - You had the antidote?! Sid, what the fuck!?
a public enemy. “That’s...that’s original official vaccine sample. And antidote is…near it.” guy mumble back. With each word his voice became quieter and quieter.
//О боже, наконец-то вошёл Твиттер в развалину превращается
mmm...you still smell perfect to me
I smell like hospital. It’s not the best, you know.
Eric flaps his eyes in bewilderment. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙩𝙚? - Stop. - Eric turns his gaze back to the capsule in his hands. — You're telling me I'm holding the antidote in my hand right now? And you've had it all along? How long have you had it??
Sid casually looks at his hands, slightly shrugging, it was just usual thing for him during all this years. “You don’t need to, really.” he smiles weakly looking at Draven. And then blinks slightly understanding that only he in this situation would became ⭣⭣⭣
Of the two of us, you smell better
no, you
— "Really? Eric squinted slyly, but his smile was full of warmth, -that's the nicest thing I've heard in the last week, you know" He rested his head gently on Sid's shoulder
“Of course I want you in my future and it doesn’t even discussed. You’re the one who accepted me with all problems I have. And I love, adore you.”
— "I just don't know if you want me in your future. Anything could happen. But by the way, I've always dreamed of living by the sea, it sounds pretty...romantic."
“Thanks. It sounds…reassuring.” he smiled slightly, leaning on Eric again. “Why you mention only me? You say it like if you don’t plan to stay in my life.” Syd frowned slightly. But he quite agreed with the idea of ten dogs, even if theoretically it could be ⭣⭣⭣
— "Find a cure for your illness," — Eric answers without hesitation. He laughs softly, —"Аnd hey, it's not a stupid question! What's your dream?"
“It would be maybe the most stupid question from my side, but.” he paused for a few minutes. “What’s your dream?”
— "Okay,"— Eric moves closer, sitting down across from the guy. He smiled at him, propping up the head with his right hand —" What would you like to talk about?"
“Fine.” he chuckles slightly ironically but softly. “I don’t know. I don’t want to sleep for now. I want to talk more.”
— "I don't think so. And you're welcome," — Eric smiled softly, tilting his head to the side, — "Well, I understand why you're doing this. I can't help but say it's sad, but I get it. Are you planning on sleeping?"
“Why? We both know it’s like that.” he chuckled dryly, leaning on the bed. “Thanks. And sorry if sometimes I avoid serious conversations by drinking sleeping pills. It’s awful, I know.”
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