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One year ago, u were crying' because graduation separated you & your girls. But one year later, you're laughing together with them, eating snacks under the sun, & talking about your next weekend plans. Menangis kesyil🤏🏻🤍

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Sit at the same table with the apartment we won’t share, calming and hurting at the same time💔🫶🏻

From 88rising

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Gak bosen2 gw nyodorin path nya @nikizefanya twitter.com/cospisces/stat…

sita.🍉 Reposted

we're doomed. wapres itu harusnya ada di level strategic works, bukan ngurusin hal mikro gini. dan sayangnya di ig dan tiktok malah memuji hal yang dia lakukan ini. now, i know what you're trying to achieve.

#OOT Genuinely Asking: Emang ada UU yg bilang tugas wapres tuh ngurusin aduan masyarakat kah? Ini program pemerintah pusat malah dilabelin jadi program dia sendiri, tanpa nyinggung kontribusi Prabowo Setau gua, di Jakarta juga g ada program aduan masyarakat yg dibeda2in gini😶‍🌫️

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sita.🍉 Reposted

Niki 14 feb nct 127 15 feb abis lo denger autumn, besoknya joget depresi iconic move my motion

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this past June we went up to Seattle to film a @KEXP session!!! being on KEXP was a personal milestone of mine thank u so much for having us 🥺❤️‍🔥 youtu.be/uHWbaklm0bE

sita.🍉 Reposted

my two personality

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It's truly responsible consumption.

Guys, please gak perlu malu atau insecure kalo kamu cuma punya 1-2 tas / sepatu yg dipake2 terus. Repeating clothes?? IT'S TOTALLY FINE!! Gapapa lho gak ngikutin arus🤗🫶🏼

sita.🍉 Reposted

it's really important to find a circle in college because you can't survive on your own. tp sirkelnya harus yg healthy and supportive group that genuinely benefits you. having the right people around you can greatly enhance your college experience and personal growth👍🏻😸

sita.🍉 Reposted

to all my pretty friends, not having a partner is never a minus! 😙

tp pernah gasi lu punya temen cantik, baik, humoris, minusnya cuman BELUM punya pacar

sita.🍉 Reposted

Selalu suka sama orang yang passionate about the things they love. Dunia ini terlalu singkat kalau dihabiskan untuk menyimak hal-hal yang tak perlu. Aku memilih melihat mereka yang menyala terang dengan cahaya-cahayanya sendiri. 🫶🏻

sita.🍉 Reposted

MILK TEETH LIVE FOR THE FIRST TIME 😭 (via yzabatiquin) #TheBuzzTour

sita.🍉 Reposted

Tadi ke toilet Senayan City terus ada anak perempuan umur 4 tahunan ngajak ngobrol mba cleaner dengan bahasa yang baik sekali, sopan dan obrolannya seputar toilet. Terus setelah mamanya selesai, si adek senyum ke mba cleaner dan bilang “makasih yaa tante sudah nemenin aku” 🥹😭

sita.🍉 Reposted

Jadi inget sm film ini, bapaknya supir angkot, cita cita si anak pengen punya kamar sendiri. Ada scene yg dia malam malam belajar pake lilin gt trs ibunya nanya, "kamu ga takut hantu?", jawaban anaknya, "aku ga takut hantu, aku takut miskin". imdb.com/title/tt291190…

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