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Joined September 2019
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عيد الفرح و الشوق و الحب لك زود ❤️

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اللهم إني اشتقت لميت لن يأتي مثله أبداً ولن يعوض مكانه احداً ولا يفارق خيالي ابداً اللهم أني اسألك أن تسكنه جنتك فهو اغلى من فقدت

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اللهم ارحم من رحلوا إليك وصبّر من هُم خلفهم يتألمون

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اللهم ارحم من رحلو عنّا ولم يرحلو منا و اجمعنا بهم في جنات النعيم يا رب🤍

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when i feel unwanted i distance myself

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it hurts but i'll never show that im hurt

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idk what im feeling anymore

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if only you could see my smile when you text me

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يا منى الروح و مطالبها 🤍

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i have one person in my head all day

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ill never unlove u

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الي ما يبانا ما نباه

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again, if they want to, they will.

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i remember when we used to talk everyday i miss that

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i chose you when they told me don’t

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not forcing anything or anyone

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treat them the way they treat you

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