@shafaumMy tweets r my thoughts n views, pls dont mistake them for my profession. RT doesn't mean endorsement. Former Director @AirportsMV . Former President of @mmc_mv
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Finally someone has the will to do sumthin, thanks @mohamedkudu this amount shud have been increased years ago. Hope this also doesn’t get kicked out
ދަރިންނަކީ މާތްالله ހަވާލު ކުރައްވާފައިވާ ބޮޑު އަމާނާތެއް، އެކުދިން ރަނގަޅު ގޮތުގައި ބަލައި ބޮޑުކުރުމާއި ޙައްޤުތައް އަދާކުރުމުގައި ފަރުވާކުޑަކުރުން އޮވެގެންނުވާނެ. ޒިންމާދާރު ކުރެވެންޖެހޭނެ.
Our Open Day was a memorable celebration of Care Society’s 26th anniversary, bringing together students, staff, and alumni both past and present, to honor this remarkable journey. Here’s to 26 years of dedication and impact and to many more years of making a difference together!
You've been lied to. ADHD isn't a mental disease you can cure by taking pills. It's a superpower. Once you harness it, you'll become unstoppable. Here's what you can do to turn ADHD into a superpower:
Siyaasee party uvaalaa haalathuga kihineh thoa vaany? @mohamedkudu @hussainfiyaz @mvpeoplesmajlis
When state utilities companies makes huge profits, imagine how much they charge us for a basic need. @STELCOMALDIVES
ކޮންމެ ގައިދީ އަކަށް، މަހެއްގެ މައްޗަށް 27،000 އެއްހާ ރުފިޔާ ހޭދަވޭ: އިޙްސާން voice.mv/36628 The minimum wage is 8000 for the civil servant, the criminals gets more than 3 times of our minimum wage. @presidencymv time to revise one of the above
އަނެއްކާވެސް ފޮތުން ތަންކޮޅެއް -މިފަހަރު ނޫސްވެރިކަމުގެ ބާރާ ގުޅޭ . ފޮތް އެއްކޮށް ވިދާޅުވިހެން ހާދަ ހީނުވެޔޭ. Raees Dr @MMuizzu
ފުޅަށް ބުޑުން ދަންޏާ ހަސަނަށް ހީވާނީ ކެޔޮގަނޑު ކަނޑާލަނީހެންނެވެ.
އުއްތަމަ ފަނޑިޔާރާއި އިސް ފަނޑިޔާރުން ހަފުތާ ބަންދުގައި ރަށުން ބޭރަށް ދާނަމަ ޖޭއެސްސީއަށް އަންގަން ޖެހޭ ގޮތަށް ހަދައިފި ift.tt/ZlJoqAE
Haradhu Kuda kurumuge gothun PO hurihaa staff in nah printed “thank you” card eh. 👏
Keehvethoa nubunee raeesul jumhoorihyaa ge dhuru visnunfulhuge dhashun flat list neren muh dhatheh neiy gothah fas kuree ey
When the 4th pillar of democracy is controlled by the state, every ounce of freedom is lost. Media shud not be controlled by any, it shud b self regulated, if govt wants their voice heard, let them have at least 1-2 members.
ނޫސްވެރިކަން ރެގިއުލޭޓް ކުރުން ސަރުކާރުގެ މުށުތެރެއަށް ދިއުމަކީ އެމްޖޭއޭއިން ބަލައިގަންނާނެ ކަމެއް ނޫން!
Ekamaku @MMA_Maldives in Mioh bunany registry vi vaahaka 😂 @hussainfiyaz dhogu hadhany thoa manikfaanu
ޑޮލަރު މާރުނުކުރާނެކަން ޔުނިވާސަލްއިން އެމްއެމްއޭއަށް އަންގައިފި adhadhu.com/article/61563
މިފޮތް އެއްކޮށް ނުކިޔުއްވާ ހެން ހީވަނީ ނޫނީ އަދި އެހިސާބަށް ނުދަނީ ތޯއްޗެއް.
Male’ kairi ah baaruthah gendhan mee Hama ehvanaige sarukaareh. Dhen mi fuel farm ves gendhan v gaaf dhaal atholhah. Miothy vaa sarukaareh
Hiypulhaa vaa membarun naa, blackmail kuran beynun vaa rahrashah. Mee Hama satheykaige budget eh
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