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imagine there's no heaven, would you still be kind?

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Bersikap skeptis lah terhadap agama / kepercayaanmu sendiri, sebagaimana kamu skeptis terhadap agama lain. Then find peace within yourself.

jujur 🍻

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semriwing Reposted

If you turn Al Aqsa into a terrorist HQ and a weapon store and use it to attack others then you are the only ones descrating holy sites. This is the same shameful behaviour from the Palestinians we see time after time. They attack, provoke and then try to play the victim.

semriwing Reposted

These must be the holy Palestinian Ramadan rocks for keeping the holy sanctity of al-Aqsa.

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semriwing Reposted


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semriwing Reposted

Автор Вика Крохина, студентка первого курса Полтавского национального технического университета им. Ю. Кондратюка

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semriwing Reposted

This is not about faith. This is not about worship. This is not about spirituality. This is a show of dominance. A way to assert strength. There is a mosque a short walk away. #Ramadan

لأول مرة في تاريخ أمريكا.. أقام المسلمين صلاة التراويح في ميدان "التايمز سكوير" بنيويورك. twitter.com/KhaledBeydoun/…

semriwing Reposted

If I was God I would forgive every single human no matter who they are and what they believe in, because they don't know better. Make me God.

semriwing Reposted

I wish Somalis who demand more religious freedom in America also cared about freedom and diversity in Somalia.

semriwing Reposted

ANIMAL LOVERS, I NEED YOUR HELP! Sejak 22 Maret, ada 8 stray dogs di Perancak Berawa Bali mati diracun. Agar stray dogs lain tidak ikut diracun, kami sedang galang dana untuk mengungsikan mereka sampai diadopsi. Donasi ke BCA 0490 347 135 a/n Nathasya Sahiu. [A THREAD]

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semriwing Reposted

Ya gitu deh..

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semriwing Reposted

nasional.kompas.com/read/2022/03/3… Mengapa kota2 yang populasi kafirnya signifikan bisa menjadi kota toleran? Dan mengapa kota2 yang populasi non kafirnya mayoritas menjadi kota tak toleran? Mustinya yang gembar gembor agama damai, agama kasih sayang bagi semesta bisa bercermin @Kemenag_RI

semriwing Reposted

Sultan sepertinya sudah terkepung para simpatisan Anu. Entah aturan memutar lagu Indonesia Raya setiap pukul 10 pagi masih berjalan efektif atau tidak. Jogja + Solo memang jadi target utk ditaklukkan setelah DKI. Bandung 80% sdh takluk. Itu sdh cukup utk merancang aksi.

semriwing Reposted

Harusnya tuhan/dewa itu musuhnya juga tuhan/dewa lain. Mosok lawan manusia?

semriwing Reposted

As a good Muslim woman who was born and raised in the Islamic world, I can confirm that the hijab is not a choice but is a symbol of slavery!

semriwing Reposted

Islam Ohh phobia is used as a SHIELD to hide all HISTORIC CRIMES.

semriwing Reposted

Haha poster rasis keluar lagi..silahkan org2 tsb dikejar, digantung, ditembak. Tapi ingat mereka gak bisa ngembat triliunan tanpa bantuan pribumi..😁

لأول مرة في تاريخ أمريكا.. أقام المسلمين صلاة التراويح في ميدان "التايمز سكوير" بنيويورك. twitter.com/KhaledBeydoun/…


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