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Our time and energy is limited. Choose carefully what your attention deserves (energy boundaries).


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I'd say... mendidik anak perempuan tidak lebih mudah. Ini contohnya.

tanyarl izin cerita, ak ama cowo ku ga pacaran, tapi dia posesif, kita sama" butuh cenah, pas di ajak buat memperjelas status dia gamau aku nyaman gini. dia deket"in nyamperin ke rumah nempel"in, aku buat liat hp nya aja gaboleh, tapi dia bilangnya sayang bgt ama aku

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If a man defies his family and marry the woman he wants, works his ass off to provide for her and their children, he will be CELEBRATED. But if a woman does the same, she is MANIPULATED & ABUSED. Make it make sense.

Ma heh brrti aku bahari kurang bersyukur bnr lah tiap hari kawa makan iwak sampai dulak ๐Ÿฅน

Kami orang Jawa biasa makan berlumrah-lumrahan. Kalau ada telur entah ceplok, rebus, dadar, bahkan kerupuk saja itu sudah cukup. Kami pantang makan tanpa nasi. Lauk 1 macam di meja sudah biasa. Nyampe Jawa sini, nasi tempe pun bisa dinikmati. Mantap berat!

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Pernah kepikiran nggak, kalau sumber โ€œkena mentalโ€ kalian adalah makanan? Studi terbaru 2023: Konsumsi junk food atau soft drink 3 kali seminggu meningkatkan risiko depresi hingga 62% dan stres hingga 34%, juga sulit tidur dan kurang merasa bahagia. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

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Buat yang mau ikut ngurus negara dibanding ngurus selangkangan selebgram, ini ringkasan isunya: 1) PKS awalnya mau calonin Anies-Sohibul Iman, Jakarta "Aman". Elektabilitasnya paling tinggi. Problemnya: perlu threshold 20% biar bisa calonin gubernur. Jadi perlu cari partaiโ€ฆ

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It turns out that what is attractive essentially falls into two categories: โ€œdonโ€™t be fatโ€ and โ€œbasic grooming.โ€

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Mau orang berkata apa, tapi kalo elu sama pasangan udah tau prinsip berumah tangga itu berlomba2 saling menyenangkan satu sama lain. Percayalah akan banyak rezeki dari mana aja, ga cuma materi tapi perasaan tenang dan damai karena memiliki satu sama lain.

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The fact that someone would get mad at this just tells me they're insecure about their life choices and are subconsciously ashamed of themselves. A normal person would just be happy and admit stay at home moms are a great benefit for their children

Kami orang Jawa biasa makan berlumrah-lumrahan. Kalau ada telur entah ceplok, rebus, dadar, bahkan kerupuk saja itu sudah cukup. Kami pantang makan tanpa nasi. Lauk 1 macam di meja sudah biasa. Nyampe Jawa sini, nasi tempe pun bisa dinikmati. Mantap berat!

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Men arenโ€™t naturally monogamous. Men crave adventure. A new woman is like a new adventure. Itโ€™s fun, exciting & doesnโ€™t involve much responsibility. But wise men realize that the real adventure is raising a family. And thatโ€™s the real adventure of life.

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Disagreements happen in any relationship. The way men and women communicate is different. Initially, I thought my husband was just being mean because his delivery was blunt and harsh, unlike how I communicate. Over the years, Iโ€™ve realized that menโ€™s communication style isโ€ฆ

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(Hampir) gak pernah berdoa minta nominal uang, mintanya Allah cukupkan berapapun nominalnya. Yang lebih penting dari kecukupan nominal itu kecukupan secara mindset. Percuma banyak harta tp masih khawatir soal rezeki, cinta dunia, gak punya sifat qonaah (rasa cukup dan syukur) ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

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Punya keluarga besar/tribe, terutama direct male relatives yg capable of economic power atau bahkan violence setara sama calon suami itu kayak asuransi buat perempuan dr sisi proteksi. Scr historis & evolutionary udah terbukti.

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Would be nice to see sebagian besar genetic defects punah lewat voluntary eugenics by 2100๐Ÿค As always, nature will find a way to decide whose bloodline gets to survive

Mengapresiasi mas bojo yang uda mau vasektomi. Ngasih hadiah kecil-kecilan aja -rek yang penting mas happy. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

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Reaksi perempuan spt ini wajar kok. Sdh terbukti scr ilmiah. Iya, bener, ini krn perempuan saling berkompetisi untuk resource.

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CW // TIKTOK ๐Ÿ’š takut banget kalo nanti dapet suami modelan gini.

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โ€œWomen want friends with benefits not marriage.โ€ - @rationalmale Women will say they want to find a โ€œgood manโ€ but they donโ€™t really want a โ€œgood manโ€ they want a puppet. A Good man will require a good woman. A good woman isโ€ฆ Soft spoken Nurturing Feminine Submissive Aโ€ฆ

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A very old technique of Sihr (Black Magic) used in Kashmir and elsewhere. The Sorcerer asks for the name and mother's name of the target person. He then uses numerology to determine the element most suited for the sihr to work (Earth, Air, Water or Fire) In this case the elementโ€ฆ

Laki yg dikitยฒ solusinya selingkuh cukup buat mainan aja jgn dibuat serius biar pas tuanya kesepian dimanipulasi sama aniยฒ ๐Ÿ˜…

๐Ÿ’™ agak laen ni orang otaknya

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The less protection and provision he provides, the more masculine his woman become. A masculine woman will see EVERYTHING as competition and rivals because she's insecure from lack of protection. If a wife sees a rival in mother in law and vice versa = she been with weak men

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This is also why every man should study the art of fighting In most cases a man who knows how to fight can win against seven who do not Often if you drop one or two the rest get scared and run


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