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mohamed Reposted

In just 5 years, President Yameen transformed the Maldives with big infrastructure projects, strong economic growth, better healthcare, and more housing. His leadership changed the country's economy and put it on the world map. Meanwhile, Muizzu and his social media supporters…

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mohamed Reposted

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah)”… [Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 969]

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mohamed Reposted


mohamed Reposted

White phosphorus, which is internationally banned

ޣައްޒާގެ ހޮސްޕިޓަލަށް ހަމަލާދީ އެތައް ސަތޭކަ ބަލި މީހުން މަރައިލުމަކީ އިޒްރެއިލުން ހިންގި އިންސާނިއްޔަތާ ޚިލާފު އަމަލެއް. އަދި ހަނގުރާމައިގެ ޖަރީމާއެއް.

mohamed Reposted

You don't have to be a Muslim; you just have to be a human to feel the sadness of the tragic loss of 500 innocent lives. 😭💔 🇵🇸🇮🇱 The Moment an Israeli Airstrike Hit The Al-Ahli National Baptist Hospital in Gaza #GazaAttack #Hospitalattack #IsraelGazaWar #PalestineGenocide

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mohamed Reposted

Warning 🚨 Sensitive content I'm sure Israel supporters won't have any justification for this cruelty. 😭💔 BREAKING: SCENES FROM THE AL-AHLI CHRISTIAN BAPTIST HOSPITAL MASSACRE *NSFW #GazaAttack #IsraelGazaWar #PalestineGenocide #GazaCity #Gaza #IsraeliNewNazism

mohamed Reposted

ބޯކަނޑާލެވިދާނެ އެކަމަކު ބޯ ގުދެއް ނުކުރާނަމޭ! މިއީ ރާއްޖޭގެ މަޝްހޫރު ވިޔަފާރިވެރިއެއް ކަމަށްވާ އުއްޗު ހެއްދެވި ލަވައެއް. #IndiaOut

mohamed Reposted

Seaplane Facilities at VIA Development Project conducted by BUCG include the New Seaplane Terminal, MRO and New Pontoon. They are serving as a connection between the main airport and other islands and have greatly boosted the tourism industry of Maldives. (1/3) #BRIindecade

mohamed Reposted

A truly inspirational leader! Listening to this gives me goosebumps! #FreePresidentYameen #DrMuizzuSembe2023 #Vote4Muizzu @prz_ymn @MMuizzu

ފިލައިގެން ނުގޮސް ޖަލުގެ ތޭރިތަކުގެ ފަހަތުގައި އިނދެ، މާސިންގާ ބިޔަ ބޮޑެތި ޤައުމުތަކުގެ މަދަދުގައި ހިންގަމުންދާ ވެރިކަންކަން ބަދަލު ކޮށްލެވޭނީ ހާދަހާ ވަރުގަދަ ލީޑަރުންނަށެވެ.

"ޝަޚްޞިއްޔަތެއް ހުރި ލޯތްބަކީ އަދި އާރުލާވެސް ލޯތްބަކީ ފަޚްރާއި ޝަރަފުވެރި ބާރަކީ ހުއްބުލްވަތަންކަން ދަސްކުރޭ

ކަލާނގެ ސަފުން ބަދަލުނުކުރައްވަތޭ ގައުމެއްގެ ހާލާތެއް: ނުވާނަމަ ގައުމުގައި ހާލަތު ބަދަލުކުރުމުގެ ހިޔާލާތެއް"

ދިވެހި އުއްމަތުގެ ހައްގުގައި ހަށިފޮޅާލާ ދިވެހި ދިދަ ހިމާޔަތް ކުރަން އަތުގުޅާލާ ދިވެހިލެއިންނެ ދިޔައީ މިތާ ނަންފަވާލާ ދިވެހިލެއިންނެ ދިޔައީ މިތާ ނަންފަވާލާ ދިވެހި ބިމުގެ ޝަރަފަށްޓަކައި މަތްވި ދީނާ ކިޔާ ދޫތަކުން މީ ޝުކުރުވެރި ތަރާނާ 🎶🎵🎶

mohamed Reposted

The dreaded Sikka day is back again Four n 3decades in pain Four n more grenades were tossed to their gain A saviour force scorned for its gain A score less one couldn’t say Amen

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