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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴


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1) Kroppsanalyser avbildet viser resultatet av 5 år med livsstilsendring. 2017 Vekt: 80 kg Fettprosent: 10,6% Visceralt fett (indre organfett): 27,7 Muskelmasse i kg: 41,2 kg Muskelmasse som andel av kroppsvekt: 51,5% Fettmasse i kg: 8,4 kg

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"Vi klarer ikke drive et samfunn skikkelig på tross av verdens høyeste skattlegging av en meget bemidlet befolkning. Men men, klimaendringer" 🤡

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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

How new taxes start vs how they end


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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Does this happen if Trump didn't win?

Justin Trudeau announces Canada will limit the number of immigrants over the next 3 years. Remember it's only racist if Trump does it

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

All of the people who told you that Joe Biden was sharp as a tack, that Kamala Harris was a cultural phenomenon of joy, that Tony Hinchcliffe was a speaker making a comment, and a million others, are now telling you that Tulsi is a traitor who is not loyal to America. Just like…

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Hes correct. Part of parenting is modulating technology. Screens are a part of daily life, at some point your child WILL interact with them, or wonder why youre interacting with them and what you are doing

I think kids need some screen time in order to develop screen addiction immunity. Give them 0 screen time and they will be freaks when they finally get access to it. Have seen it firsthand. But give them some screen time, while denigrating it and explaining that it is trying…

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

"I 2023 mottok utenlandsfødte 69 prosent av all sosialhjelp. 6,7 av 9,7 milliarder sosialhjelpskroner" Begynner det å gå over rimelighetens grenser?

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Fun fact: Your androgen receptor genes come from your mother (X chromosome) This plays a large role in muscle building potential Strong moms=strong sons

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Dette mener jeg media må ta på sin kappe.

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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Denne må du se! Ap-politiker Kamzy Gunaratnam i front for den kleineste videoen jeg har sett på lenge.

Can't think of anything more cringe. But, it's still very early.

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Has anyone offered as a reason for Trump's win that he is the most persuasive politician of our lifetime and he was running against a moron? We might be overthinking it.

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted


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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Weird how +20 million Democrats just disappeared in a single election from 2020 to 2024 Super duper strange man Joe Biden got 81 million votes Kamala got 60? Very Sus

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Today is a contest between the people who think the news is real and those who know it is not.

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Why I'm voting for Trump. In 2015, I was not political. My book Gorilla Mindset had taken off beyond my wildest expectations. I was enjoying life, taking anabolic steroids, and traveling the world with my fiance while living off of a laptop. Life was good. During one of my…

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Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

Okay, time to go over this again. Democrats are the party of socialism. That means value redistribution. What you do is you take valuable stuff from people who have it, and give it to people who don't have it, while calling it "free". In exchange, they vote for you. So…

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I have never understood this incessant need the US government & politicians have for demonizing white men. We don’t have this problem in Europe. Not my part at least. I’m really curious is it really that bad?

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

This week's gonna be nuts. Fortify your body with exercise. Refresh your mind with deep reading. Nourish your heart with family and friends. Rejuvenate your spirit with transcendent art. Politics makes us feel like we're at war. Do everything you can to keep yourself at peace.

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

From the archives.

I fear the day when the majority of voters don't have children.

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

"Men sannheten er også at han leder den største fascistbevegelsen verden har sett siden Hitler." "I den politikken er det ikke plass til sterke kvinner, skeiv frihetskamp" Du lirer utav deg mye nå @gautebs Jeg er ingen USA-"ekspert" eller noe orakel, men opp gjennom årene har…

Jeg har skrevet i VG om en voksengenerasjon som har trodd at verden blir bedre av seg selv. Deres naivitet vil koste min generasjon dyrt. Trump er leder for den største fascistbevegelsen verden har sett siden Hitler, og ingen voksne snakker sant om det. vg.no/nyheter/i/0VWm…

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

They just can't stop, can they? They are so bloody proud of their degrees that they simply cannot shut the fuck up about them and make a case for their actual point, using the knowledge they are so quick to boast of. They just stomp their little feet, shake their tiny fists,…

I love twitter bc where else can I, an person with two graduate degrees from Harvard in both infectious disease epidemiology and biostatistics, be assured I am wrong about infectious disease epi and statistics by a software engineer who has “read multiple FDA package inserts”

Antonio Contrarius 🇳🇴 Reposted

This one's gonna hurt a lot of feelings

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