rafiebrandalz's profile picture. I sometimes think, might be very nice iffate brought us earlier..

Rafi rahendra


I sometimes think, might be very nice iffate brought us earlier..

Joined May 2011
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faridiBoyz's profile picture. hawai X


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Metro_TV's tweet image. Seorang Ayah Ikuti Anaknya ke Sekolah dengan Drone goo.gl/lBW3RS http://t.co/14QvTrA9Dt

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Sepandai pandai nya tupaiii melompat pastii jatuh juga.

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Dua Pencuri Motor Diamuk Warga bit.ly/1Qyb15L http://t.co/p8bYALH75u

Metro_TV's tweet image. Dua Pencuri Motor Diamuk Warga bit.ly/1Qyb15L http://t.co/p8bYALH75u

Rafi rahendra Reposted

Lampu Alarm Warna Merah Gampang Dibobol, Kok Bisa? metrotvn.ws/A119913

My path ... http://t.co/lBM3IBxXxX

rafiebrandalz's tweet image. My path ... http://t.co/lBM3IBxXxX

Hajaaarrrr http://t.co/Mv4gr6keaZ

rafiebrandalz's tweet image. Hajaaarrrr http://t.co/Mv4gr6keaZ

I've shared 35 memories with my friends on #Path - see them now at path.com! #thepersonalnetwork http://t.co/0f7qSpxKEV

rafiebrandalz's tweet image. I've shared 35 memories with my friends on #Path - see them now at path.com! #thepersonalnetwork http://t.co/0f7qSpxKEV

15ECONDS “Rude” Magic! - Rising Star Indonesia Li…: youtu.be/Bp-jEPJn3GY

Ghina http://t.co/H4sSNrHVY1

rafiebrandalz's tweet image. Ghina http://t.co/H4sSNrHVY1

Pasar wadai http://t.co/4CpzFcAfPg

rafiebrandalz's tweet image. Pasar wadai http://t.co/4CpzFcAfPg

Di beri anugerah yg sangat indah,, yaitu nafas tenang yg menemani perjalanan hidupku yg kdng rumit atau sulit O:)

Pagi semua,, terimaksih sang pencipta alam semesta,, Kau suguhkan yg terbaik pagi ini Tuhan

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