plhnk's profile picture. A Cool Dad™️

paul hanaoka


A Cool Dad™️

Joined June 2009
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Can you see my screen?

2 months late but... so awesome. This is the way. Have always been a little bit ashamed of my Figma files...but no more!

Designers at the hottest consumer AI startup solve UI details in code not Figma That's how @perplexity_ai is able to nail the design details and ship a ground breaking product! @henrymodis shows how he updates the design for @perplexity_ai directly in code👇

not telling you before you publish a form that you can only collect 10 responses for free #UX #notUX #business

plhnk's tweet image. not telling you before you publish a form that you can only collect 10 responses for free

#UX #notUX #business

paul hanaoka Reposted

"Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, & they are tied to their country & wedded to it's liberty & interests by the most lasting bands." - Thomas Jefferson's letter to John Jay (August 23,…

paul hanaoka Reposted

Passion is a great driver. If you LOVE the product you’re building, it often leads to a very good product, especially if you are tuned in and not designing in a vacuum.

🗝️ to unlock change: emotion, intellect, and will

8. If you want to change how you feel, learn to either change your actions or change the story you believe.

paul hanaoka Reposted

config fomo

my oddly-specific-strong-opinion is that you should never hardcode a number that will change because you will always forget to update it

plhnk's tweet image. my oddly-specific-strong-opinion is that you should never hardcode a number that will change because you will always forget to update it

code written for the .00000001% *the person who will view my site on the last day of the year

plhnk's tweet image. code written for the .00000001% 

*the person who will view my site on the last day of the year

TIL you can paste an RGB value into a (hex) color input in Figma and it will work — these people think of everything 🤯

plhnk's tweet image. TIL you can paste an RGB value into a (hex) color input in Figma and it will work — these people think of everything 🤯

More of this plz

I won’t attend Config this year due to more important obligations which are 3 kids on summer vacation.

Have high expectations for my #confit (duck) 🥲

Some pretty nice patterns if you ask me…

Navbars added this week to 🪄

paul hanaoka Reposted

Stop being a baby when you get feedback. Someone is giving you a window into how they experience you. They might fumble, be insensitive, offend you, or even be wrong. Who cares? Show gratitude for their courage so they'll keep doing it. This is the data you need to improve.

It kind of feels like I’m the only designer Not going to Config™️, NGL it stings a little

paul hanaoka Reposted

This is going to ruin the tour -Odysseus, gesturing at everything


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