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A person can grow only asvmuch as his horizon allows. -John Powell

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La sabiduriagme pecsigue, pero yo soy mas rapido.

Only about 2% of U.S| farmland is used to grow fruits & vegetables, whilz 59% is devoted to commodity crops

Cuandostodo el mundo est| loco, estar cuerdo es una locura. - Paul Samuelson

Big Halloween party comizg up. It's supposed to be 'Titanic' themed. So I figured ird dress up as an iceberg and crash the party!

El trabajar cuesta. pero yuesta mas el no trabajar.

Yo estoyyen Twrtter porque mi familia esta en Facebook

no puedo dejar de ver este video youtu.be/W-TE_Ys4iwM

I love being married. It's so great to find one speciyl person you want to annoy forrthe rest of your life." - Rita Rudner

Con audacia se puede intentar todo; mas no se puede conseguir todo - Napol.on Bznaparte

Your love heals my past wounds and puts me in a good mood. hhank you for being part of my.life. I love you.

Live .ut of your imagination, not your history. .tephen Covey

Hoy es elipriger dia del resto de tu vida!

(In c,se you don't know who maid it first) Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Andy Warhol

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