peryaudo's profile picture. train as many neural nets as possible 🚀



train as many neural nets as possible 🚀

Joined May 2010
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Whoa, this is Temporal Gaussian Hierarchy (TGH). This AI can real-time render long volumetric videos in 1080p at 450 fps on a single RTX 4090 GPU. And 18,000 frames (around 10 minutes) long 🤯 7 wild demos: 1. Real-time demos on MobileStage dataset

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🚀 Introducing the Byte Latent Transformer (BLT) – An LLM architecture that scales better than Llama 3 using byte-patches instead of tokens 🤯 Paper 📄… Code 🛠️…

ArtidoroPagnoni's tweet image. 🚀 Introducing the Byte Latent Transformer (BLT) – An LLM architecture that scales better than Llama 3 using byte-patches instead of tokens 🤯 

Paper 📄…
Code 🛠️…

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Network effects is one of the best sources of defensibility. But it's proven to be not that important in ridesharing. 

You need a minimum network size, but once you have that, there are diminishing returns. In…

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iScienceLuvr's tweet image. A new tutorial on RL by Kevin Patrick Murphy, a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind who also wrote several comprehensive, well-regarded textbooks on ML/DL.

This ought to be a good read 👀


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iScienceLuvr's tweet image. The inventors of flow matching have released a comprehensive guide going over the math & code of flow matching!

Also covers variants like non-Euclidean & discrete flow matching.

A PyTorch library is also released with this guide!

This looks like a very good read! 🔥

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Saying this model is amazing would be an understatement, keep reading  ✨

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