@olaj Profile picture

Ola Johansson


Hello! Founder of http://t.co/gJYlJNBOI4. Do not Tweet so much nowdays and when i do is mostly in Swedish.

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Is there anyone who works at Facebook or knows someone who does? Our FB page (for AlternativeTo) with 10k+ followers was shut down 2 months ago for "Impersonation". We received a review but they upheld the decision. This must be a misunderstanding?

Is there something going on with Azure atm. Having major issues with my AppServices in East US + can't upgrade / scale or move services between app service plans? Ping @AzureSupport @Azure

Ola Johansson Reposted

2023 brought us a lot of major game-changing new apps launches, so we've rounded up some of the best fan favorites of the year. Thank you for being part of the AlternativeTo community, and Happy New Year! 🌠 —See you in the next chapter. alternativeto.net/news/2023/12/a…

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Ola Johansson Reposted

AlternativeTo has introduced a new design and features to improve user experience. Changes include a modernized header, a sticky search bar, a redesigned app pages layout, the ability to select multiple filters for searches, and a revamped news page. 💙 alternativeto.net/news/2023/11/a…

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Ola Johansson Reposted

AlternativeTo - the website me and @olaj built together - turns 14 years this weekend. I never thought I would be running a site, a project or work at the same place for 14 years. But when it comes to @AlternativeTo I feel like it’s better than ever! alternativeto.net/news/2023/3/al…

Ola Johansson Reposted

We've just released a new design of the website with brighter and more vivid colors, as well as a dark theme. Please feel free to share your feedback and any suggestions you have for future design and functionality changes you'd like to see. bit.ly/3Opx9De

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People are so scared of others opinions CTFD.

Ola Johansson Reposted

Bästa dagen i en demokrati är dagen efter val. När de flesta INTE fått sin vilja igenom men ändå accepterar utfall. Och det är veckorna EFTER val som gör skillnad i en demokrati. Kompromissvilja och acceptans från medborgarna präglar framgångsrika demokratier. Hoppas vi når dit.

Ola Johansson Reposted

Såhär låter det när en riksdagsledamot ”debatterar” i Skäggetorp. Vänsterpartiet eller Partiet Nyans?

Ola Johansson Reposted

Manchester City och Newcastle... Inte direkt en chock men det säger något om hur mycket folk accepterar skit/orättvisor så länge som de upplever att det gynnar dem framför andra

We also asked whether fans supported a regulator who had powers to ban nation state ownership of clubs, or sovereign wealth fund ownership or individuals backed by states. The results, by club. 🧵 28/n

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Ola Johansson Reposted

Anthony Elanga. Get that head of yours up immediately ♥️

Det där målet från Middlesbrough kan va den sjukaste VAR missen någonsin 🤷‍♂️

Ola Johansson Reposted

till Haag med dom. Ärligt. twitter.com/aminamnzr/stat…

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We also asked whether fans supported a regulator who had powers to ban nation state ownership of clubs, or sovereign wealth fund ownership or individuals backed by states. The results, by club. 🧵 28/n

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Ola Johansson Reposted

Loving the 90s Eurodance from the Stretford End yesterday. “Rhythm is a dancer, Anthony Elanga” 🇸🇪❤️‍🔥🕺 #MUFC @AndyMitten

Ola Johansson Reposted

Skönt att vi fick löst elkostnaderna igår. Idag skulle jag vilja se ett förslag där vi som har många streamingtjänster kan få ett litet bidrag.

Snart dags att börja rapportera folk som är på sjukhus pga covid snarare än med covid iom att typ alla har det atm? Kan lika gärna rapportera hur många som är på sjukan totalt känns det som?

Haha Kinas covid nolltolerans och OS kommer bli sånt jävla kaos, borde inte alla bara skita i OS tbh? Blir väl som när européerna kom till Amerika typ.

Ola Johansson Reposted

Spanien om Covid 👏 ”Under the new system, there will be no more reporting of every single diagnosed infection, nor will tests be carried out at the slightest symptom. The coronavirus will be monitored just like any other respiratory illness.” El Pais


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